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jungkook pov

While walking with cody home, there was a awkward slience. I really don't know what to say to her. "so" she started the conversation . "so did you have a girlfriend before? " I just slightly shake my head. I really had no girlfriend before as big hit does not allow us to be in relationship. "how bout you? " I asked her. "Me too I was never able to have,  as mom and dad does not allow but now I think I could. " That sentence made my heartbeat went really fast.

Time skip

We finally reached Cody's house. "bye see you tomorrow. " she bid goodbye. I just wave my hands at her. I really don't want her to go, I wish she could Saturday but who am I to stop her. lonely walking back  after a fun date with cody

cody pov

Jungkook send me home, I  bid goodbye with him  but....I want him to stay with me. I went to my room quietly as mom and dad is sleeping. I stay at my bed lazy to Change into my pajamas.


I saw Taehyun downstairs waiting for me. "lazy pig can please be faster?  you are damn slow you know! " I just rolled my eyes at him..Taehyun was texting someone on the way to school so "who are you texting? " I asked. He seem startled, he quickly shack his head  saying no. Something is really wrong... I suspect. We reach the school earlier today, cause taehyun kept calling to wake up early. I hate it OMG. "Hey. " I turn around and I saw jungkook. "hey you're early today, you are always late. " "Yea , did you sleep well last night?  " "yea it was a awesome night. " I said excitedly. He blushed, I saw he blushed.  my heart was beating really fast when he blushed, he is damn cute.

Jungkook pov

I saw cody in school early. oh, why was I early, I don't know. I just woke up early today.  I went up to talk to her I asked her did she sleep well last night, she said it was awesome. I felt that my cheeks was burning. The school bell rang. we went to class together as we were in the same class. Many girls were staring at cody. I could feel jealous from all of them .I saw cody she was looking down on the floor.  I want her to look up right when she is with me.

hey guys finally update!  it was a really short chapter but still wish you like it.

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