Music Class

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*Morning Time*

*Ring Ring*
         I awake from my sleep for a phone call. I was wondering who was calling me this early in the, but it doesn't surprise me that much when I seen that it was my mother.

Mom: "Haechan dear how have you been?"

Hae: "Hello mother. I've been fine. Thank you for asking."

Mom: "That's great dear. I actually I have something important to tell you. I wanted to tell you that your dad and I are going to be gone for maybe a year and a half. Something big happened to the company and it's going to make us have to stay along time to fix it. I also want to tell you that we will send you money every week, so you don't get hungry. I'm sorry I had to call you so suddenly, but know that I always love you and will miss you dearly. I now have to leave they need me urgently. Bye love you!"

     Wow I'm going to have the whole house to myself for a whole year. I don't know if that is a blessing or a curse. I know one thing is im going to be lonely for alittle while. Maybe I can invite the gang over and we can have a sleep over or something. I could also invite KateLynn over when we get to know each other better. I'm blushing at the thought of KateLynn.

I look at the clock and it said 8:30 I know have to hurry to get ready. Im sad wont be able to eat breakfast though. So I hurry and make me a small lunch. After I get ready it is now 9:00 that is where I start to panic alittle. I raced down stairs to get my bag, keys, and jump on my bike. Once I got on I peddled faster than I could ever imagine.

Its fifteen minutes later and I finally made it to school with an extra fifteen minutes to spare. When I reached the class room my eyes automatically go to KateLynn. I was nervous, but I told myself to go over and say hi.

Hae: "Hi KateLynn. How are you this morning."

Kate: "I'm good thank you for asking. What about you?"

Hae: "I'm great, but I also found out this morning that my parents are going to be staying a year and a half, so thats alittle depressing."

Kate: "Aw I'm sorry that has happened. I hope everything is alright."

Hae: "Everything is fine nothing major or anything. Something happened at my parents company, so they have to fix it."

Kate: "Thats good that it ain't anything major. I hope they fix it quick so you don't have to be lonely at home."

Hae: "Thank you for being concern about me."

KateLynn and I rambled for a good fifteen minutes before the teacher showed up. I'm very glad that we are getting to know each other more, but I still feel like she is still hiding something from me. I'm determined to fined out what the problem is.

An hour of that horrid class has gone bad and it's finally over. I'm happy because my next class is music. My favorite class in this whole school, because I get to sing. To my surprise I never noticed that KateLynn is in this class. I could never imagine her loving to singing, but now that I think about I don't know much about her. I've only told her things about my daily life.

The teacher finally arrived and today will be singing our favorite song. I already know what I will be singing. I will be singing from Michael Jackson since he is my favorite singer. I think might sing his song Billie Jean.

Teacher: "Everyone one will be singing there favorite song today, so be prepared to come up here and sing in front of the class. I also want to state that I'm looking for a boy and a girl to do a duet so everyone try there best."

Everyone got their songs and line up in the front of the class to sing their songs. KateLynn is in the back, so I head back there to stand it front of here. We start whispering to each other while other people go.

Hae: "Hey. I didn't know you were in this class."

Kate: "Yes I am, but I'm so quiet that nobody ever notices me."

Hae: "Aw. Well now that I know your in this class I'm going to start sitting by you."

Kate: "Really? I will be very happy if you did honestly I really don't like being lonely."

Hae: "I understand how it feels to be lonely. Also I want you to start sitting with us at lunch. If you are worried that they don't want you there. They would tell me first hand, so you are fine."

Kate: "Ok. Thank you so much. You have been nothing but kind to me and I really appreciate it."

Hae: "Your welcome. I really hope that we get to be good friends."

Kate: "I hope so too. Cause its really hard to make friends when your new and also foreign."

Hae: "That is true, but look at it this way you now have seven friends. So your not that lonely now are you?"

Kate: "Now that I think about it your absolutely right."

KateLynn and I talked for so long that we forgot about the line entirely. I now am the next one to go up and sing. I'm a bit nervous for everyones reaction, but I know I will be fine.

After I go up and sing the whole class was silent. I guess I probably sung really bad. Then all of a sudden the class bursts into applause. I was so happy I could probably cry, but I don't let it show. I look at KateLynn and she started blushing. I know she is nervouse because she is clutching her wrist with a death grip. KateLynn's song she is going to sing is by Journey its called Open Arms.

Once KateLynn started singing there was a feeling of warmth spread all across my body. I have never felt this before I think this might be the best feeling I've ever felt. After she was finished the class was in tears. I was amazed she was like a goddess that nobody knew. I look at KateLynn and she was shaking violently. I could tell that she is probably about to pass out from her nerves. I run and grab her and she calmed down tremendously. The teacher then got up and told us the news.    

   Teacher: "Okay so as all of you know I'm going to be pick two people to do a duet and I finally made my decision. My two people are Haechan and KateLynn congratulations to you both."

    Kate: "Thank you..."

    Hae: "Thank you!"
      When KateLynn got done saying thank you she blacked out. She was really hot and sweaty she felt as if she had a fever. I picked her up bridal style and rushed her down to the nurse. I was really worried about her because I don't want her to be bad sick. When I finally arrived the nurse told me to lay her down on the bed and cover her up.  The nurse examined her and something surprisingly showed up.


To be continued!

A/N -I hope you guys enjoyed the second chapter I worked really hard to make sure that it sounded good. Also I'm very sorry it took me a while to update the new chapter. School has been very killer. Also of you need and awesome book cover go over to Kpop book covers and request one! They are so good on their book covers. I absolutely love mine! If you can't find it is in my reading list. Also follow these two amazing people aswell btsalexstew and jimmjiminie they are both amazing writers. Well I hope everyone has an amazing day/ night and I hope you come back to read more of the book.

Love KateLynn 🐨💕💕💕

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