Chapter 26- Big News

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So, I wanted to write a cute and fluffy chapter so I did. I hope you enjoy it! Anyways, Fan, Vote, Comment and as always, ENJOY MY CUPCAKES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

JUJU xoxo


Lorcan and I danced gracefully around the ballroom. Our dancing had matured quite a bit since we were sixteen but I still didn’t think I was as good as my parents had been. It was our twenty-first birthday. I had just finished my heat a week before. You see, after a werewolf’s first heat, it starts a bit earlier each year. After a while it will stop going back. The amount of time heat starts before a werewolf’s birthday depends on the wolf but usually it lands two or three weeks before.

Mine was now two weeks before my birthday which was great because now I could actually celebrate it without having to worry about male werewolves pouncing on me. I could enjoy myself with my mate and my friends. I also had some fantastic news to share with all of them. I smiled up at Lorcan, “Can you believe it’s been five years?”

“I know. It’s unbelievable. So much has happened.” I leaned my head on his chest and sighed happily. Lorcan kissed my forehead lightly as we twirled around the ballroom floor. I could feel my mate’s heartbeat close to mine and I felt safe knowing that he was also safe and alive.

When the song was over, I expected another one to start but it didn’t. Lorcan pulled away and I looked at him, confused.

“What’s going on, Lorcan?”

“Hold on.” He said before speaking in a louder voice, “Could I have everyone’s attention please?” All eyes turned to us but I barely noticed because I was still looking confusedly at Lorcan. Once everyone was silent, he turned back to me and grinned, “So, I have something very important to say to Dulce and I want to say it in front of everyone here.” He took both of my hands in his, “So…” He looked at his watch, “About four minutes from now, five years ago, I discovered that this beautiful woman in front of me was my mate. Before that, i.e. now, we were dancing with each other. I was disappointed that I had not found my mate about an hour before and looking forward to seeing whether my best friend would find hers. I wasn’t worried about losing her to her mate because I knew that, no matter what, she would always be there for me as I would be for her.” I was still confused as to where he was going with this but I felt some tears form in my eyes at the speech he was giving, “I suppose in some ways, Dulce and I have been luckier than other mates. We have known each other literally since birth and we grew up together. Now I speak directly to you Dulce.” He said, looking straight into my eyes, “I have watched you grow from tough, stubborn not so girly little girl into the beautiful, strong, amazing, independent, still not girly woman you are today.” There was a short burst of laughter at the words “still not so girly” from everyone in the room, including me, “I could not have asked for a better mate. You’re my best friend, my sister, my guide, my soul mate and now I wish you to be something else too.” I tilted my head in confusion as he smiled playfully at me, “I know it’s not really traditional for werewolves but,” He got down on one knee and pulled out a velvet box from his pocket. I gasped, as did everyone else in the room, “Dulce Freestone, will you do the honour of becoming my wife?”

There was a moment of silence as I stared in shock at my mate. I felt more tears form in my eyes and some of them even fell down my cheeks. This was one of the few times the pack had actually seen me cry. It took me a moment to realize that everyone was waiting for my answer. I shook myself out of my state of shock and nodded, “Yes, yes. A million times yes!” I exclaimed and everyone seemed to let out a breath of relief that they didn’t realize they were holding. Lorcan slid the ring onto my finger and placed his arms on my hips to lift me up and spin me around. I squealed like a little girl until he put me down and kissed me full on the lips.

When we pulled away, we were suddenly bombarded by a crowd of people who wanted to congratulate us. Since it really wasn’t traditional for werewolves to get officially married because they were usually already mated and bound for life, there was always a buzz of excitement when there was a marriage in our pack. I remembered watching a proposal happen when I was younger and then, later I went to the wedding. It was quite a wonderful and fairy tale-like experience. I had secretly wished then that my mate would propose to me like that but never told anyone because, as Lorcan said, I wasn’t a very girly person. Now I got my wish and I couldn’t be happier.

About an hour later, everyone who wanted to congratulate us, did so and then went off to chat to someone about the upcoming wedding. I told Lorcan I was feeling a bit claustrophobic in the crowd so he took me into the small, curtained off room that we had been to so many times before. As usual, it was completely empty and as soon as we were inside, Lorcan pinned me against a wall and started kissing me passionately. I automatically kissed back.

This wasn’t an unusual position for us. During most balls we ended up in this position. Not that I minded of course. After a minute or two, he started to kiss down my neck and I let my head fall back against the wall. A moan escaped my lips as he found my sweet spot and started sucking. The sudden sound that I made snapped me back to reality a little and I knew that this couldn’t go too far. Not because I didn’t want it to, but because it really couldn’t.

I placed my hands on Lorcan’s shoulders and pushed him away slightly, “Lorcan, we can’t.”

“Why not?”

“I have something to tell you.”

“Can’t it wait until later?”

“No. It’s answering your question.” He sighed and moved away from the wall so I could sit down on a nearby chair. I patted the seat next to me and he sat down too, “Promise not to freak out?”

“Why would I freak out? Is it bad?”

“I wouldn’t say so but I don’t think anyone’s every told you this so I don’t know how you’ll react.”

He placed a hand on my knee and smiled reassuringly, “What is it?”

“I’m pregnant.” I blurted out suddenly and he gaped at me.

“You’re… You’re what?”

“I’m pregnant.” I said again, a little more confidently this time, “I found out last week and I’ve been waiting for a good time to tell you. Are you freaking out?”

He shook his head violently, “No. I’m not. I’m gonna be a dad…” He mumbled that last part but then continued, louder now, “I’m gonna be a dad!”

“Shh, Lorcan. We don’t want the pack to hear. We need to make an official announcement.”

“Is now not a good time?”

“They’re already excited about the wedding. If we gave them any more good news, they’d explode.” He laughed but then kissed me.

“What do you want it to be?”

“I don’t care. As long as he looks like you.”

“Don’t be ridiculous, he or she is gonna look like you.” He said before kissing me again, this time on the nose.

I giggled and took his hand, “I’m gonna be a mom.”

“The best mom in the world, sweetie.” I blushed and grinned at him. This night had been full of big, exciting, fantastic news and it was the best night ever.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2014 ⏰

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