authors note

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i have not stolen anything or copyrighted,'from Joss Whedon, i am simply writing what i think should have happened.

character write ups and P.OV's

Buffy Summers: sweet and kind responsible and caring, until you piss her off. then she might not be the nicest person in the world....oh....and hope and pray that you're not a demon either.

Xander/Alex Harris:( Some countries refer to him as alex don't ask why) Funny and down to earth until pending doom is right around the corner, which around Buffy that's all the time considering she's The Slayer, the one talked about in books and the definition of Slayer in the dictionaries.... anyways when danger is near is Xander's sarcastic remarks kick in.

Willow Rosenberg: Buffy's bff, she is sweet, kind and caring....oh and she's a witch, a good witch though...but powerful, she helps buffy when ever and where ever she can. but she does go through problems of her own that buffy helps her with.

Dawn Summers: Buffy's younger sister, she is a lot like buffy, she may not be a slayer like her older sister but don't get her angry.. she is sweet and kind and has a really big crush on Xander, and a couple other guys in Buffy's life.

Rupert Giles: aka Giles, Buffy's watcher, every slayer has a watcher to train them and prepare them for what might come. although he is not like the other watchers. He helps buffy and her friends defeat the demons that appear in Sunnydale  California, the hell mouth of the century he is knowledgeable when it comes to many demons and other super natural  occurrences.

Spike/William the bloody: spike is dangerous, he's a vampire with a soul and a badass attitude he was a terror throughout Europe,and now he's in Sunnydale proving he can be more than what he was born to be... a soulless creature born to feed on the innocent and ruin lives.

Angel/Angelus: The first person buffy ever fell in love with, the first vampire she didn't have the guts to stake , she was madly in love with him. he is sweet and tall and dark and brooding, he is sensible and works hard to repay the world for every sin he has ever committed,and even for some of the future ones too. He is the CEO of Wolfram Hart , a company that's known for hunting demons and putting them back where they belong,Hell.

Cordelia Chase: Bossy, arrogant fashionable and sarcastic oh and likes to argue, especially with Xander.

Tara: Willow's girlfriend even though willow has an enormous crush on Xander. she's also a witch.

Oz: he's a all the time but when the full moon comes a haunting so does his werewolf side other than that he's normal.....

New Character(s): Crystal pierce ....not much is known about her...yet:-)

So there you have it all of the many characters and there roles.

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