Chapter 5

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A/N: Hello my little matches!!! Sorry about the erratic posting. I lost my motivation, plus I am in college, so homework ugh.... Anyway, enjoy the new chapter! Love ya'll! Song will define itself in the chapter and the picture is Raedon's older brother, Jaexon, pronounced Jason.


"WHO GAVE YOU THOSE BRUISES???!!" I scream loud enough to make Raedon and my mother jump.

"Coven Prince, please calm down... I deserved it for making you run away." he said with remorse in his eyes and a frown on his face. I let my eyes change color and looked him in the eyes. "Who did it?" I growled angrily.

"It was Maellon and Reina." A voice said from the door. I turned and saw Jaexon standing in the doorway with an angry look in his eyes. "Was that it?" I ask tightly. "They started it, the rest were being sheep as per usual."

"Mother, heal Raedon. Jaexon, summon your familiar, you're with me." I order as I walk towards the door. "And Raedon, if you deserved that, I would have done it.." I say as I walk out, summoning Frelza and Erion. 

Jaexon summons his bear familiar, Strom, and walks at my right flank. "What is the plan?" I smirk, "You will use Strom to get everybody away from Maellon and Reina, I will use Frelza and Erion to keep anyone who tries to interfere back, and we will have a two-on-two duel. No familiars, just fists, weapons and magic."

Jaexon smiles wickedly, "I like you..." I chuckle. We walk into the middle of the village, seeing everyone still in their formal attire, clamoring with each other while they wait for news.

"Jaexon?" I signal. Jaexon turns to Strom and nods. Strom stands on his hind legs and roars, pushing anyone who is not Maellon and Reina away from us. I telepathically tell Frelza and Erion to keep an eye on the crowd and to keep out everyone except Raedon and my mother.

"Hello Maellon, Reina..." I say as I pull my gloves out of my pockets and slip them off, loving the feeling of my fingers sliding into their holes and popping out from where I cut off the finger coverings.

They both start shaking. Maellon steps forwards, and with a shaky voice, says, "Evening Coven Prince. How may we help you?" I chuckle a little, and say, "Well, first I need the group behind you to answer something. Is it true that these two started the attack on Raedon?" I look up and see hesitant nods.

I immediately feel my face morph into that of a crazed maniac, feeling myself start to cackle. "Maellon, anything to deny?" He shakes his head. "Reina?" She looks at me with a fearful expression, then shakes her head as well.

"Jaexon, please explain my plan to these two as I make some adjustments to my outfit." I say as I start to magically remove the sleeves from shirt and stretch the pants out so I have flexibility. 

"The Coven Prince and I challenge you two to a duel. You may either accept or receive whatever punishment the Prince may cook up for you. No familiars, just fists, weapons and magic. Do you accept?" Jaexon goes through my guidelines and looks toward the aforementioned abusers.

Maellon and Reina look at each other then look back to Jaexon and nod. I smile again and say, "Alright, well since we have the space, let's do it right here." Everyone but Jaexon looks around and realizes we had moved to a different location while Jaexon was talking.

"Maellon, Reina, please understand that what you have done, though you say it was for me, was not your place. As members of this coven, you are meant to protect me from those who wish me harm, not ones who unknowingly did so. Am I understood?" I say with authority.

They both shakily nod their heads. "Any member of the coven, from this moment forth, who lays a hand on Raedon, or his family, will come under my wrath. Now, it's time to (d-d-d-d-)duel!!" (A/N: parentheses are a Yu-Gi-Oh reference in case you don't get it.)

I immediately take a fighting stance and watch Jaexon rip the sleeves off his outfit and do the same. Maellon and Reina immediately take fighting stances that do NOT work well together. I nod towards Jaexon, then summon a dagger as I rush Reina. I aim for a slice at her chest, while she brings her wrist up, slamming my hand up and hitting me with a blast of air to push me back.

I use the air to do a backflip and create a small air wall where I plant myself before I push off, aiming for her heart. She spinkicks, hoping to knock the dagger from my grip. I twist, taking the kick to the shoulder, and roundhouse kick her in the ribs. I hear a small crack, and smirk.

She huffs, weaves a small healing spell, then summons her weapon. It is a khopesh, a curved blade that was favored by Egyptians. She slashed it in the air, then got into another fighting stance.

I smiled, then flipped my dagger in the air. As she was distracted, I sent three fireballs from my feet towards her. She noticed in enough time to slash through the first two, but the third one hit her in the chest. As she fell, I caught the newly grown spear, with a spearhead on both ends.

Reina slowly stands up and notices what has happened. Her eyes widen in fear. I see her look towards Maellon, who is holding his own against Jaexon. They nod towards each other and immediately switch opponents. Maellon charges at me, making me smirk.

I start slowly spinning the twin spear, creating a smal draft. Maellon laughs, thinking I can not spin it fast enough. He stops laughing, when he sees my spear starting to catch on fire on both ends. I spin it faster, effectively creating a ring of fire, which I send at the still charging Maellon.

He has created too much momentum, meaning he either has to take the attack or jump. As I predicted, he jumps, getting over the ring of fire. Man, these two have clearly never trained with each other. When Maellon sees me smirking, he gasps and turns around to see Reina wrapped in the ring of fire, her face in a silent scream as she is turned into a molten statue.

He turns toward me, anger all over his face. He speeds up, making it the last few feet between us, in that time, I have put my weapon away and put my hands up to start the inevitable hand-to-hand that is to come. As Maellon reaches me, he throws a left hook, hoping for me to block it, so he can hit me with his harder right hook that is right behind it.

Instead of blocking it, I sidestep, hitting him in the ribcage with a punch with a little air behind it. I immediately lift my knee as my hand pulls back, bringing a chunk of earth with it which hits him in the chin after bending over from the knee to the gut. He falls backwards, but pushes himself up before the plants growing can fully capture him.

"Really, Coven Prince? You are going to resort to beating me up for standing up for your dignity? Or are you doing it because he said he did not love you back? How could he, when he is not the only piece of your heart? Isn't that right, freak?!

I gasp, letting his words hit me like physical blows. As Jaexon moves to block one of Maellon's fists, I hold out my hand to stop him. Right before Maellon's fist connects with my face, I let go of my restraints on my powers and emotions. This causes a power surge so big that he flies backwards.

I hear the entire coven gasp as they feel the extent of the power within me. "You want to call me a freak, Maellon? How about now? You know, just because of that, I think Reina is going to... cease to exist!!" I cackle as I move towards her, letting Maellon try to scramble towards me in order to stop me. 

As I reach Reina, Maellon comes up behind me. As he is about to hit me with the hammer he summoned, I spin around sticking my hand into his chest. Everyone gasps, which makes me start cackling again. But when I look to where Maellon is supposed to be looking at me in agony, I just see Raedon. I gasp, realizing what I was about to do.

I feel a little woozy, so I blink a couple times and realize Raedon has his hand to my forehead as Jaexon holds Maellon down. My familiars are being held down by Strom, and the entire coven looks at me like a demon. "What just happened?" I hear my mother ask before I faint.

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