Chapter 7

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~Your POV~
Right now I'm writing a letter to my family and boyfriend and friends and I couldn't stop thinking about my twin sister how she died because of me and the letter said
'Dear, Everyone
I am damaged from the inside.
The depression that has been slowly eating away at me has completely swallowed me, and I couldn't win over it.
I hated myself. I tried to hold on to breaking memories and yelled at myself to get a grip, but there was no answer.
If I can't clear my breath, it's better to stop.
I asked myself who can take care of myself.
It's only me.
I was alone
It's easy to say I'll end things.
It's hard to end things.
I lived all this time because of that difficulty.
They said I wanted to run away.
That's true. I wanted to run away.
From me.
From you.
I asked who it was. It was me. And it was me. And it was me again. I asked why I kept losing my memories. They said it was because of my personality. I see.
It was my fault in the end.
I wanted someone to notice, but no one noticed. No one met me, so of course they don't know I exist.
I asked why people live. Just.
Just. People just live.
If I ask why people die, I guess they'd say they were tired.
I suffered and I worried. I never learned how to turn my pain into happiness.
Pain is just pain.
They told me not to be like that.
Why? I can't even end things the way I want?
They told me to figure out why I was hurting.
I know very well why. I'm hurting because of me. It's all my fault and because I'm bad.
Mu personality with a quiet voice, I thought it was so easy.
It's amazing how much I'm hurting.
People who are hurting more live well.
People weaker than me live well. I guess not. Out of everyone alive, there's no one hurting more than I am and there's no one weaker than I am.
But they said I should live.
I asked why so many times, but it's not for me. It's for you.
Don't say things that don't make sense.
Figure out why I'm hurting? I told you why. Why I was hurting.
Is it not okay to be hurting this much because of that? Do I need a more dramatic detail? I need more of a story?
I told you why. Were you not listening?
Things I can win over don't end in scars.
It wasn't my life to be known to the world.
They said that was why I was hurting more. Because I had clashed with the world, because I was known to the world. Why did I choose this?
That's funny
It's a miracle I lasted this far.
What more can I say? Just tell me I worked hard.
That it was good of me to come this far. That I worked hard.
Even if you can't smile as you let me go please don't blame me.
I worked hard.
I really did work.
(M/N) (L/N)
I was crying and I grab an knife and put the letter on my bed and I was about to kill myself until someone said

~Mine/Cait's POV~
"Brother I wouldn't do that if I was you" and he drop the knife because he got scared and he turn around and he was crying harder and it pains me to see him like this and (M/N) said "I-I-I thought y-y-y-you died" and I shock my head no and he ran up to crying his eyes out saying I'm sorry over and over and I hug him back crying saying its okay and we both calmed down and I can finally talk to Hoseok and tell him I liked him since I was younger but I wonder if he will accept me and I was happy we are back together and now its night time and we are asleep

~Next day/School day~~Your POV~
Me and my twin sister got ready and we wore the same clothes and we started to walk out the house and we got to school and I was smiling with my twin sister and yoongi said coldy "Who the fuck is this?!" And then my twin sister yelled "JUNG HOSEOK!" And hoseok got scared and turn around and he was crying because they were super good friends before she 'died' and she ran up and jump up in his arms and crying and----

To be continued!!
Live you all💙💙💙❤❤❤🖤🖤🖤

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