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"Harry I'm staying home today what you want to do" My 'Daddy' says.

"I wanna talk" I say.

He nods his head looking at me.

"Where's my mother" I ask.
"Your mother didn't want you....So she drowned herself" He says with a straight face I almost scoff at what he says.

"That's so sad....I wanna visit her grave if she has one" I say

"Why would you wanna visit a women's grave who didn't want you harry" He says sternly.

"Because my mother isn't dead." I glare.
"How are you gonna tell me something about your mother she's dead 6ft underground" He spats slamming his hand on the table.

"YOU TOOK ME" I scream at him seeing his eyes go wide.

"Who told you that?? Who have you been talking to" He glares At me standing up. I stand up to moving away from him.

"Ive been talking to Zayn he told me something and when I fell asleep it's like memories came right back to me. You took me from my family. You isolated me in this house for 15 years....How could you"

He chuckles looking at me. "I had a son he looked just like you seeing you at the beach I had to replace him to fill the hurt....So I raised you you're my son"

"I-I'm not your son and you're not my dad" I run towards the door trying to get it open getting pulled back.

"L-let me go OW" I cry as he smack me across the face making me fall to the floor.

"You will not leave this house EVER" Be screams yanking me by my hair. I cry trying to think of what to do.

" ZAYN ZAYN ZAYN ZAYN ZAYN" I Scream loudly But he covered his hand over my mouth.

"Harry HARRY" I hear Zayn bang on the door. I bite my 'daddy' hand.

" ZAYN HELP ME" I cry only to get punched in the face.

I fell to the floor eyes blurry. I seen Zayn kick the door open punching my 'daddy' in the face kicking him in his territory pushing him on the floor.

"H-harry come on love" He says picking me up I whimper wrapping my arms around him.

"Z-Zayn i-I'm y-your h-harry" I cry. "He took me I-I was k-kidnapped." He gasped taking me out the house over to his setting me on something soft grabbing some metal thing calling the police?

"H-harry show me your face" I sniffles moving my hair out my face looking up at him.

"Z-Zayn" I tear up again looking at him.

"H-harry" He seemed shocked and amazed. I nod my head yes and he hugged me tightly. This felt so amazing I didn't know being hugged like this can have so much effect on a person.
I can be free I actually went outside even though I didn't pay attention to my surroundings.
But I'm actually in another house.

"We have to tell your mom she misses you everyday." He says holding my hand.

I nod my head to happy I sniffles
looking at him.

I'm free.

I'm finally free.

😭😭😭Awwww Zarry finally seen each other face to face

Daddy dearest ||Zarry||Where stories live. Discover now