Chapter 5 Soul's desire

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Today Soul and the others have been in the dungeon, they we're leaving right now, Soul was getting better at fighting Bell was happy at his mood change, Soul has been a lot happier and join in on conversations, last week he ask Mikoto to play cards with him, and he helped welf get materials for him, and he went shopping with Lili for items they needed, Bell was happy and Soul was happy but Soul went somewhere at night, when everyone was asleep, he crept downstairs and slowly went out the door, he was heading to the dungeon.

"Gotta earn more Val's" he said as he ran down the empty streets of Orario, he ran past some people now and then, but as he past two maids he heard one call him "Stop" in a intimidating voice, Soul froze on the spot, "What are you doing out at this late?" Soul didn't say a word he was scared, he knew Bell and the others would have his head if they found out he tried to sneak out at night, "Ryu?" The other maid ask her companion, is this what it like to feel in danger? "He seems like he's doing something he isn't supposed to do Syr" I gulped at her words, "Ryu you seem to be scaring him" The maid called Syr was right, I'm scared like really scared, "a-ah my apologies Syr, you seem to be right" so one maid is Syr while the other is Ryu, well I don't really know what they look like because I'm facing away from them but I turn around to see a two girls in maid wear, they must work at a bar or something, "Oh! Ryu it's the new recruit Bell keeps telling me about!" The one with bluish gray hair that is done in a tied small knot in a ponytail, her eyes are the same color of her hair and the other one looks like an....Elf with Sky Blue color eyes and beautiful snow like skin, and her hair a beautiful green color, she beautiful im stunned by how pretty she is, it's like I entered a Fairy Tale, but I shake that thought and tried to say something before I look like a complete idiot, "h-hi! I'm Soul Nero Nightshift! B-but you fine ladies can call me Soul" I give a smile at them, "hehe~ your too kind" the one with Bluish gray hair said, "I'm Syr Flova and this is Ryu Lion" she points to the Elf women, "nice to meet your acquaintance" she said as she bowed her head at me, "S-Same" I bowed back, "Bell told me so much about you two, he says your kind nice beaut-i mean pretty ladies heh haha" I almost let out how bell talks about them,"Bell thinks I'm pretty?" Syr asks me she looks like she was ready to exploding into happiness, "y-yeah! He told me your kind too Syr but also told to beware of your mischievious nature" after I said that I move an inch away from them, "Oh bell hehe, always the same" Syr just laughed at my reaction, "So where are you going Mr.Nightshift?" Ryu asks me, "umm well uhh you see heh heh" I scratch my head, "I was uhh....I was going to the dungeon...." I look down in shame, I know I was supposed to be asleep but I need the Val's it's for the thing I want to get for my familia, "Soul you know you aren't supposed to go out at night you should be resting up for the day" Syr tells me off I just look embarrassed and ashamed, "i-i know but I really need the extra Val''s for a good cause!" I said it's really is, "Mr.Nightshift what is it that could possibly be more important than sleep?" Ryu ask giving a stern look, "....its for armor and to help pay my goddess debt" Soul knew about the Debt Hestia is in, and he needed armor is normal Clothes can't keep himself forever, "I want to help them, I want to be strong, is that not a good a good enough reason?" Soul looked at the two girls, they both look at each other before Ryu turns back at Soul and smiles, "Yes that's a very good reason to go out at night" I feel my mouth turn into a smile I grabs Ryu hands and say "Thank you! Thank you thank you thank you! You don't know how much this means to me!" The blue eyed boy let go and started to head to the dungeon, "Goodbye Syr, Ryu!" He waved at them as he ran for the dungeon, Ryu was a little surprised at his actions but Syr had a look on her face, "So Ryu do you think he's a keeper?" Syr teased, "I don't know what your talking about" Ryu said as the two maids started to walk to them homes again.

*Floor 10 of the dungeon*

"HRRRRAAAA!" Soul slashed some orcs and delivered a finishing blow on them, he dodge some imps magic attacks and back slashed them magic stones hit the ground, "phew, I never knew it was harder doing the dungeon alone" he picked up the magic stones, "Goooooorghh!" More Orcs were coming, "Aw man! Give me a break already!" Soul ready Excalibur for battle 4 Orcs came and they were ready to fight, "Goooooorghh!" They all charged at the same time, I dodged one club and blocked the other, and then I pushed one orc back and did a upwards slash to the one who was going to strike, I Ducked as the orcs club missed me and I stabbed Excalibur into the Orcs chest and cut my way up to it's head and pulled my sword out, and stabbed the Orc in the head behind me, all three Orcs turned to dust as their magic stones hit the ground, "phew better get back home before the others know I was out at night" he started to pick up the magic stones.

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