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The air was different. Taylor knew each detail about the brownstone she had come to call her second home in these 6 months and her gut told her something was off. She made her way upstairs, towards the bedroom and that's when it hit her again. An unfamiliar scent, a leather jacket strewn across the floor. Taylor paused, staring at it. As if maybe the owner would appear in her memory, that maybe it was one of Carrie's friend's jackets, right? Her mind began whirring with uncertainty, leading her towards the bedroom door. It was closed, so before knocking Taylor put her ear up to it.

The familiar sound hit her first, it was one she always loved to hear. The guttural groan of pleasure, the heavy breathing- but there was something wrong. She wasn't the one coaxing the sounds out, she wasn't the one moaning in response. And it was like she had been socked in the gut.

Taylor dropped down to the ground, processing what she had just learned. Through the state of shock, she felt embarrassed and guilty as if this were her fault. Carrie had to be cheating for a reason right?

She stood up and suddenly pounded her fist against the door.

"You have 2 minutes to get dressed and get the hell out," Taylor barked out, trying to hide the waiver in her voice. A chorus of swears and bodies leaping about were the next things she heard. The door jiggled and Taylor took a step back. Annie walked past, muttering to Carrie.

"Next time throw the puppy to the curb, would it kill ya,"

The color drained from Taylor's cheeks as she watched Annie slide on her jacket and leave. Carrie stood in the doorframe, tugging her tank top over a pair of black briefs . The two women stood in silence, trying not to meet each other's eyes.

"So this is what you do when I say I'm coming home late?" Taylor spat out, crossing her arms. "Am I joke to you? Did you ever consider that I love you, I only said it every night for the past 5 months!"

Carrie shook her head, turning away towards the room.

"Taylor, we need to talk." She said, sitting down on the bed between the askew sheets and blankets. Taylor followed her in, leaning against the desk chair. She didn't feel welcome in the bed anymore, not after what she knew happened in it.

"Clearly." Taylor retorted, trying to reign in her anger. Carrie rolled her eyes, shaking her head.

"Listen, you've been great. You're such a passionate girlfriend but I just, I'm not in a place for that right now. I liked casual us, and I never asked for you to come on tours but you wanted the adventure...look I just think you have a lot to give to a relationship but I'm not looking for it. You're so much younger, find someone your age who needs that spark Taylor," She explained, her brown eyes flickering back and forth. It was as if Taylor was nothing to her. Those months were nothing.

Taylor clenched her hand around the back of the chair, fighting to keep her composure.

"You had no qualms about me staying over here each night. Or the nights I willingly followed you across the country. What the hell is wrong with you?! How many times did you cheat?" Taylor asked, her blue eyes meeting Carrie's.

"It doesn't matter Taylor, we're through." She replied quietly, pushing at her bangs. Taylor shook her head, walking to her.

"How long Carrie?" She asked again, looking down at her. Taylor bore her eyes into the smaller woman, trying to sear the information out of her. Carrie faltered, standing up. She put a hand on Taylor's shoulder, whispering,

"A month. I'm sorry,"

Taylor jerked back, immediately throwing open the drawers of the dresser. She scooped up what was hers, throwing it in her suitcase, she had just returned from a long weekend at her father's house. Taylor scrambled around, picking up everything she could, including bathroom stuff. She looked at Carrie with one last teary eyed face,

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