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YBNKARELIS: lemme bless ya feed real quick 🌟LIKED BY 11,462 PEOPLEVIEW ALL 5,428 COMMENTS

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YBNKARELIS: lemme bless ya feed real quick 🌟

user1: you ain't have to snap on us like that 😫

user2: yes queen !!

user3: mami lookin good

kingveronica: ur welcome for slaying ur hair whore
—> user4: ^^^ yeah deadass a whore lmao

shaderoomteens: lookin good Karelis!

user5: her and glizzy would be so cute

ybnnahmir: big baby 🤤❤️
—> ybnkarelis: ybnnahmir your big baby ❤️

user6: go off sis

user7: she's actually gorgeous

user8: baby girl is a gold digger i'm telling y'all
—> ybnnahmir: user8 baby girl has been w me for two years, before i was 'nahmir' so keep her name out ya mouth

real life omniscient

Karelis and Veronica were at the mall, browsing through the shirts on the clearance rack at Forever21. Karelis had seemingly been on cloud 9 ever since her call with Nahmir, she felt much happier and more secure. It made Veronica sick, how her best friend seemed to base her happiness off of her relationship with Nick; pretty damn toxic if you asked her.

"I still can't believe that yellow ass nigga had the audacity to tell me to mind my business." Veronica seethed was she grabbed two shirts to try on. She had been ranting about it all morning and just got angrier the more she thought on the situation. "Like, the fuck? You are my business."

"You know how he is." Karelis laughed as it was the truth. For as long as Veronica had known Nick, and had been there for every stage of their relationship, she knew he didn't like people being in their business or for anyone to influence the way Karelis saw him.

"Well, he better make sure I don't catch his ass lacking." Veronica said as she started to help Karelis look for an outfit. Veronica looked at Karelis like a like a little sister and swore she'd always look out for her. Karelis had the biggest heart Veronica had ever seen, was far too sweet and naive for her own good. She was head over heels in love with Nahmir, and would never see all the red flags. "And that's all Imma say."

"Point, blank — and the period." Karelis said simply as she grabbed a few shirts and a cute skirt. Both girls immediately began laughing as they made their way to the dressing rooms, a frown etching into Karelis' pretty face at the girl standing in-front of her; Lulu.

Lulu was Nick's thot ass 'ex' — the girl he got with when him and Karelis took a break during the middle of senior year. Lulu was a pretty girl, but she didn't seem to understand that Nick just wanted to get his dick wet and that him and Karelis were very much back together.

"Oh hell." Veronica muttered when she saw who it was. Veronica hated the girl, solely because she loved to say shit to Karelis.

Lulu seemed to notice their presence, an ugly and evil smirk making its way onto her face. She whistled dramatically and widened her eyes, "Well look who it is! I guess Karelis isn't too good for the mall."

"Bitch, what the fuck are you even going on about now?" Karelis sighed, just wishing the dressing rooms would be free so Lulu would leave them alone.

"Just that you think because Nahmir is famous, you are too." Lulu pointed out with a shrug, laughing after as if the idea was absurd. "As if he'd even let you be apart of that life."

"Sorry, which one of us did he drop a band on?" Karelis asked as she pulled her shirt down, letting the sunlight reflect off of her chain that read 'NAHMIR' covered in real diamonds. Lulu's eyes widened slightly, at how crazy expensive the necklace just looked. Nick has gotten it for her as a random present when money started rolling in when his music blew up. He wanted to spoil his girl and let everyone know she was his. "Yeah, I didn't think it was you."

"You're just a whore." Lulu spat when she didn't have anything else to say or insult her with. "Using him for his money."

"Nigga, Karelis has been fucking with him ever since he was a jerry curl lookin nigga with them ugly ass poof balls on top his head." Veronica intervened, growing annoyed of the sound of Lulu's voice — and she called her best friend a whore. "You fucked him the day after they broke up; so who's the real whore?"

"Sidekick, keep yo mouth shut." Lulu snapped, wishing Veronica would just keep her mouth shut and mind her business.

Karelis could see that Veronica was about to lunge at the girl, so she quickly held her back. "She's not worth it, V. And that's why Nahmir said yo pussy dry so leave us the fuck alone, he don't want you."

Veronica couldn't help the snickers that left her mouth at how savage and blunt Karelis was. As they made their way to the food court, Veronica couldn't help but boost her, "Aye, that's my best friend! Fuck with her man and she'll ruin you."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2019 ⏰

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ENOUGH OF NO LOVE. YBN NAHMIRWhere stories live. Discover now