three: history

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Ariana stood at the steps of the main building of Beacon Hills High on the first day back of school, her heart constricting slightly in her chest as she looked upwards, taking in the sight of the big Beacon Hills High sign, the small cracks running along the edges where the plaque met the deep red bricks, a reminder of how nothing could truly stay perfect forever. Time always passed and things changed, whether you wanted it to or not. She had told herself not to get emotional today, but it was harder than she'd expected. This was the first time she'd be walking into a new year of school without Violet and Garrett by her side.

The little trio of orphans had made a pact, always crossing the entrance on the first day back together. It was a little symbolic ritual, showing their strength as a little trio. They would stand there, hand in hand, promising to get through another year of school together. They would stare up at the building that held so many possibilities of a future unseen. They would stand there, promising to get through the hardships, the foster system struggles, the chaos that the world threw at them.

They had stood together, through it all.

But now Ariana stood alone, her arms wrapped around her small frame, feeling the absence of her friends more than ever. No more small shared moments with Garrett as they climbed off the school bus, his hands always ready to tug on her backpack when she got lost in the crowd of students. No more chances to watch Violet fighting with her locker, the lock combination always just out of her mind's reach. They were gone, and as much as Ariana had done her best to push the feeling of grief aside, it was particularly heavy in her heart today.

As the rest of the students stumbled past her, Ariana remained alone.

Before she could let the unshed tears spill over her cheeks though, she felt someone nudging her. Turning as she pulled her best fake smile on, Ariana let out a breath as she found Mason standing beside her, a soft expression in his eyes.

"Hey," he said simply, reaching a hand out to her. Ariana unclenched her hand out of the tense fist it had curled into, allowing Mason to grab onto it with a firm squeeze. The moment of gentle contact let the tension in Ariana's heart ease a little, letting out a shuddering breath.

"Hi," Ariana said back once her breath had steadied, a small smile slipping up her lips.

Mason studied her for a second, his eyes crinkling at the sides as he tilted his head slightly. "I figured you'd be here. First day back. You know what...I miss them too."

That couldn't be easy for Mason to admit. He'd spent so long feeling bitter over the lies, over the betrayal and the cruelty of The Orphans. Still, they'd all been friends and Ariana knew he missed their company almost as much as she did. He'd discovered Violet and Garrett's true professions in the aftermath of their deaths, although he was blissfully unaware of Ariana's involvement.

Ariana heaved in a breath, squeezing his hand back as she nodded. "Yeah...It sucks. I...I don't know. I keep thinking they'll magically appear again."

"Like it's just one of Garrett's dumb pranks?" Mason suggested, his mouth twisted to one side in a wry smile.

Ariana nodded again, her head bobbing up and down as she willed the tears to disappear before she made a scene in the middle of the school yard.

Mason squeezed her hand again, tugging her a little closer to him in comfort. "I know. As crazy it is...I mean I know they weren't really good people considering what they did. But still...They were our friends. So we'd better give this year hell for them then," he said softly.

Not trusting herself to speak without bursting into tears, Ariana tugged back on Mason's hand, offering a grateful smile as she let him lead her into the main corridor, winding between the crowds of students as he created an easy path for her to follow.

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