Not Giving Up

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So it's historical.
And it was my first time doing that.
So it's not too great but I tried.

Also same as last time, kinda angsty, and kinda fluff.



Hamilton stood by Laurens, looking across the muddy mesa covered in dead men. They had been ambushed a few days earlier and Hamilton would go as far to say it was a massacre. Even then, it'd be an understatement. Things were not looking good in favor of New England, the soon to be nation.

"The blood is in puddles," John observed, looking at the fallen men.

Alexander clenched his jaw.

"We are going to keep fighting. To prove that these men- our men- did something great. These men will be in the history books. They shall not have died in vain." Hamilton said.

John raised an eyebrow.

"You remember the order? Let them come close, aim low and steady. Let them come close, fire on my signal." John quoted, wiping his nose and heading back to his tent with Alexander.

"You think that will be the words they retrieve and put in books?" John asked, holding the tent flap open for Alexander.

Hamilton shrugged.
"They may not remember what we have said nor thought here but they will remember the things that happened here." Alexander said, sitting down on a cot.

"It was horrifying, was it not?" Laurens asked, sitting next to Hamilton.

"Which part?" Alex asked.

"The Brits coming in, all walking at the same pace, all looking emotionless. Elbow to elbow in a perfect march," John said.

"Were you frightened Laurens?" Alexander asked.


"Neither was I." Alex said.

"I suppose the 'frightening' part was not the death, but was the screams, the cannons the..the dead entangled with the living as we struggled to push forward, and strived and killed. All of our men hatless, coatless, drowned in sweat and black with soot, dirt and powder. Red with blood, some blood, not even your own!" John exclaimed.

"And to make matters worse our army is starving, and frozen in the cold. We're low on materials and god, no one will give them to us! I swear, I will die out there in battle and to be part of a statistic of other men, excluding Redcoats of course, would be a great honor." Hamilton said.

"Die in honor. Die with praise. Have the living mourn and the dead welcome you." Laurens said, his voice low and almost sad, like he was mourning his own death.

"When our ragtag army wins, the King will see. He'll regret it all as we build our nation." Alexander said.

"Build a nation." John repeated.
"How do you even build a nation? A father of a country. I bet it'll feel great. Remembered in history books."
John said, grinning.

"Well I'm not dead yet, and neither are you." Alexander paused to see if John would say anything for a moment. He stayed silent, but Hamilton could tell John had thought up a response.

The silence was momentary.

"I'd drink to that..if we had the damn time to! God, I have to translate loads of French for Washington, write to my father, plan to plead for the slaves to be in our war with guns and freedom- which I have been doing long has it been? And fight in the war itself!" John exclaimed.

"Better get to doing that then," Hamilton said, raising an eyebrow.

"Oh close your mouth Mr.Did-It-already." Laurens said.

Alexander chuckled.
"Whatever you say Laur." He hummed. John sighed.

"Damn that massacre. Thank god you didn't die, I'd have only Lafayette to speak to." Hamilton said.

"The bloodiest days should be over soon. That massacre happened nearly a week and a half ago, despite the many dead men still out there. What's so bad with only having Lafayette to speak to?" John asked.

"He's a good man, yes but..I suppose I prefer you over any man..any woman even." Alexander said.

"..woman?" John asked.
Hamilton nodded.

"What do you mean Alexander?" John asked, sure of the answer already.

half sure. He wanted to believe he was sure, especially with all the letters he'd received from Hamilton while they were parted.

"I love you Laurens, you know that." Hamilton said, taking Johns hand.

"..I do.." John trailed off, trying to find a way in which this didn't count as some sort of sodom.

It was romance between two men!
Of course, they hadn't done anything that'd be ranked as extreme but they had a few intimate moments in the past. Those moments were things neither man would speak of out loud, but rather keep it to themselves.

If they were heard speaking of these..unruly, and quite literally, unholy things aloud, surely they'd be hung!

The furthest thing they had done in 'public' was holding hands under at table at a pub. Even then, Laurens was scared out of his wits to do so. Yes, he did relax eventually but there was a tension anyway.

"You would write so rarely to me.." Hamilton said, rubbing Johns knuckles with his thumb.

"I was busy Alexander. Beyond busy, god, I was exhausted." Laurens hummed, his voice low.

"I don't blame you John." Alexander said, moving closer to John.

Laurens gave a slight nod while Alex loosely wrapped his arms around Johns shoulders, pulling them close, foreheads pressed together.

"You better not die Laurens."
Hamilton warned.

"We all die at some point Hamilton." John said.

"You better not die soon." Alexander said, fixing his words ever so slightly.

"No promises,"
John joked.

"Jesus, John just don't die yet." Hamilton said sternly, his eyes searching Johns light azure eyes for any sign of fear, any kind of fear of death.

"I don't chose who lives or dies." Laurens said.

"Well then try!"
Alexander said, nearly whining.

"Oh so you're asking me to be god?" John asked mockingly.

"If it keeps you from dying, think what you want." Hamilton said. John snickered.

"Alright Lex, I'll be god. You proud of me?" He asked.

Alex grinned, kissing John.

"Very." Alex said, smiling.
"Oh goodie." John joked.

"Can you not be sarcastic for less then five seconds Laurens?!"

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