Tell me you don't love me

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      There she is. All I have to do is go over there and tell her I don't love her, and then she'll go, and I'll never be able to put her in any danger again. But that's just the thing, I can't. I can't tell her I don't love her, I can't tell her she's not the axis my world turns on, because it's all a lie.

Lena sits in their booth nursing a steaming cup of coffee, mentally preparing herself for the conversation that is to come, but as soon as she sees that tiny ball of sunshine, all hope is thrown out the window. Kara practically throws herself in the booth her million dollar smile radiating from ear to ear. And all Lena can think is, I can't do this, but I also can't bring myself to put her in harms way, because she's the most important person to me.

It had been a particularly long day when at around 6:30 pm Lena received a text from the one person she had been avoiding.

Kara - Hey! I feel like we haven't seen each other in ages, catch up over coffee at 7? I really miss you.

And just like that Lena had dropped everything and headed over to the blondes favorite coffee shop.

"Lena! Ugh I feel like you've been avoiding me or something it's been forever, I've stopped by the office a few times, but Jess said you've been booked wall to wall with meetings all week."

Kara exclaims especially excited to see the woman she had hopelessly fallen for in the past couple of months.

"Of course I haven't been avoiding you"

Lie. That's exactly what you've been doing.

" I've just been so busy with the new launch coming to L-Corp this month I've barely had time to breathe"

Lie. There's no new launch for another 6 months.

Lena softly laughed trying to sound convincing to Kara, but knowing the Kriptonian could see right through her walls.

"Lena, I know you're lying to me, but why?"

And there it was, that caring look Kara always seemed to convey, the one that melted Lenas heart to a puddle of mush, the one thing that only Kara could do to the CEO. Lena knew what she had to do to protect Kara, to protect her from her mother, and all the other bad things that came with the Luthor name, but she also knew she couldn't do it.

"Can I be honest with you Kara?"

Lena sighed knowing that even if she tried to protect Kara from herself, she was the one person Lena was always going to want.

"My intention here was to walk in, tell you I don't care about you and leave, but I can't do that now can I, because you can see through every lie I tell, and there's no point of even trying to lie to protect you"

Lena says her stone posture breaking as she places her head in her hands.

"Protect me? Lena, I'm literally the girl of steel you don't need to protect me."

Kara's tone is soft and inviting, even after Lena just admitted to wanting to lie to her friend, who had been nothing but caring and honest with her. Well for the most part, the supergirl thing was understandable, considering she didn't know if I was trustworthy or not.

Lena's head lifted and she looked at Kara perplexed.

"How do you do that?"

Lena is utterly surprised in this girls faith in her.

"Do what?"

"Act like I didn't just tell you the worst thing I could have possibly said."

"Lena, I know you, I know the real you, the good in you, and even some of the bad, but you always act on the good, and never the bad, I know you'll always make the right decision even if it's the hard one, because your name does not define you, I know you're scared about what your mother might do to me, and I'd be lying if I said I wasn't too, but my friendship with you is far worth the consequences of whatever your mom does."

Kara reaches across the table and grabs Lenas hand looking into those deep green eyes, seeing the tears pooling in them, before quickly standing and joining her on her side of the booth. Kara's hands make their way to Lena's cheeks just as a stray tear falls out, which she quickly wipes away with her thumb.

"If we're being honest, then there's something I should tell you..."

Kara starts, but before she can finish Lena's lips are on hers, and she can't fight the urge to kiss back. Lena's hands make their way to Kara's hair, pulling her closer. Once Lena comes to her senses and pulls away she panics.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry, I don't know what came over me. I just— i dont know, Kara please don't be mad I didn't mean it— I—"

Kara once cuts off Lena pulling her into a short kiss to shut her up.

"Don't say you didn't mean it, because I did, I meant every second of it, and every word I said, Lena, this is what I wanted to tell you, I've been falling for you since the day we met, and I can't keep myself away from you"

Protect her.

There was the voice again, the one that tried to convince Lena that the best thing for her to do is let Kara go, let Kara find someone better. The CEO put both hands on Kara's shoulders pushing her away.

"Kara, I shouldn't have done that, it didn't mean anything, I just got caught up in my emotions, I don't love you, I can't love you, I'm sorry"

The look on Kara's face crushed her, but she knew she had to do this, for Kara, for Kara's safety, cuz God only knows what would happen if someone found out they were together. A Super and a Luthor, Ha, she could see the headlines now.

"Don't do this Lena, I know that's not true, please, I don't care what people say, I don't care what your mother does to me, I don't care. I love you Lena, and I know you love me, so please for the love of Rao just be honest with me. Tell me you don't love me again and I'll go, I'll walk out of that door, and out of your life for good if that's what you really want, but don't you dare tell me that's how you feel is it's for my safety and not what your heart really wants"

Okay here it is, just tell her you don't love her, and this will all be over, she'll be safe.

" I can't say that, because you're right, it's a lie. I love you like you're the last potsticker on the planet, I love you like the moon loves the stars, I love you like a Luthor loves science, and even though I want with every being in my body for you to be safe, and out of my path of destruction, I can't lie to you, because Kara Danvers you are the love of my life, and I don't think I could live with myself if I told you I didn't love you"

That night lots of kisses ensued within the walls of the Danvers apartment, lots of laughs, and smiles, and for once Lena didn't care about the impending doom her mother was sure to uphold, all she cared about was Kara, and the love she had for her.


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 03, 2018 ⏰

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