Chapter 2

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That night I woke up startled I heard an unfamiliar noise. It was like a large buzzing sound bzzzz and then all the sudden it stopped and I heard a twig snap. I ran to my fathers room hoping I was just dreaming he was wide eyed and awake. He looks at me and says," Get your brother and sister and bring them to the underground hideout fast! I will stay on guard with your mother don't worry about us I will leave you a note of what's happening and shoot it through the hoop now go!" I ran out crying I ran an got Jade out of her crib. She is only 1 year old so she was clueless of what was going and then I ran and woke up Onyx who was grouchy but came. Onyx is 10 so he knew where the hideout was and why we had to leave. We all went to the underground hideout and prayed that we would survive. There was lots of food down in the tunnel I just didn't know if we would make it. I told Onyx to go back to sleep that I would stay on guard. He looked me straight in the eyes and said, "No Amethyst I never want to lose you I will stay up with you. After all I don't know if mom and dad will survive we may have to do this on our own."

And I cried cause I knew that maybe today would be the last time I saw my parent. Onyx and I huddled in a corner and I did his school lesson for the day.

Then I changed Jade's diaper and told Onyx I was going to bed and that he should to. I started to fall asleep but just as I did I heard the hoop open. I prayed it was a note from my father or mother. I looked there was a letter it read:

Dear Amethyst,Onyx and Jade,

The government is here but has not found our house do not go out what so ever if you hear knocking don't open the door your mom and I have a key so if it's knocking it's a stranger and don't open it no matter what if they find us I will send a note and never leave the hideout at least for 10 days. I will be sending down extra blankets and food in a bit in case you need it. Amethyst I will really need you to take on a mothering role until this gets sorted out.



I started crying which woke up Onyx so he checked on me then I handed him the note and he started crying. I woke up Jade and set out breakfast, canned fruit and nuttala. Jade can't say much but that morning she asked where's mama? And all I could say is I honestly don't know. That day we played board games and then I got a letter.

Dear Amethyst, Jade and Onyx,

The government has left but people are here now. They are from the village we lived in I don't know why there here but all I can say is your able to come out when I open the hatch.

Xoxo, Mom

I smiled were ok! But I had never met anyone else besides my family what am I going to do if I met these people?

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