The hidden nightmare (part 3 "it caught me")

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when i was in a middle schooler, i hear stuff coming from my closet but i ignore it and every day it grew louder and louder, until one night,  i hear the closet door swong open and the door fall of because of the force that pushed the door and i knew i had to run out, so i run but some thing caught my leg and i screamed for help but nobody came and i thought my life was ending there..

but.. i looked and it was only a coat on the door and i look back seeing my parents standing there, angrily and whispered loudly "YOU CAUSED THE RAUCOUS JUST FOR A STUPID COAT!!??!!" i said to them, "the closet door broke down and i hear stuff coming out of it.." "uhh.. ill go look.." said my father and he went into the room..

me and my mom was waiting outside the door for like 5 mins and my mom said "honey, are you ok?" then she waited but no response so me and my mom walk into the room and i saw.. my dad ... on the corner of my room with scratches and black rashes all over his face and his arms and legs.. with blood on them too and his organs sticking out making me want to turnaway and scream in horror, but i couldn't..

my mom ran toward my dad in tears but stoped when she saw the woman with the bandaged face and had a devilish eye stareing at us then the woman jumped out the window of my dark bedroom of a child with no father..

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