Don't you love me?

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Taylor's Pov

We didn't have a show tonight, so that meant one of three things. We would either sleep, get pissed or we would be tourists for the night. I decided to take the third choice.

I unlocked my iPhone, tapping the browser icon, and Googled the venue I had met Bria at. There was a band playing tonight... a rock band. perfect.

I could easily convince the guys that I was just scouting for support acts, and we were only about twenty miles away from the venue... They were really unpopular which was great, since there would be no trouble of sold out tickets. This was exactly what I needed. If this worked out, I could see Bria without anyone turning a head.

"There's a scream band playing tonight pretty nearby. I was gonna go check them out, if any of you wanted to come?" I asked. It was an empty gesture, though. I knew very well that I was the only band member that enjoyed scream music.

They all looked at me.

"Taylor, you know we hate that shit." Jamie replied, receiving approving nods and grunts from Ben and Mark.

"Right, well I guess I'll see you in a couple of hours. have fun getting off your faces."

Mark waved sarcastically, as I pulled the bus door behind me.

I hailed a taxi to the arena.

The show had already started, so Bria would be pretty easy to spot. I was looking around. It wasn't until I heard a loud smash that my attention turned to her.

Bria's pov

Work still sucked. I had a load of spare time, now that the show had begun. Some underground scream band was playing. They were actually pretty good, despite them being unpopular.

I bet Taylor had forgotten about me by now. The annoying thing was that I couldn't forget her, no matter how hard I tried. She had used me, hadn't she? She'd just gone and messed with my emotions and thrown me to the curb. Bitch.

I grabbed my headphones out my bag and plugged them into my Samsung galaxy, untangling them in the process.

I tapped the shuffle icon.

'Don't bless me father for I have si-'

I hit shuffle again.

'Lay my head-'

Dammit. I tapped shuffle for the 3rd time, beginning to get annoyed by my playlist.

'Everyday I wake up, everyday I wake up a-'

I yanked my headphones out of the socket and threw my phone down onto the floor, regretting it almost instantly.


the screen had cracked into roughly 15 segments. I stared at the ground in disbelief.

"You really got yourself into a mess this time, didn't you?"

I froze on the spot, instantly recognising the dark sultry voice.

"Taylor... Wha-?"

She cut me off.

"I wanted to see if these guys were support act material. I'm on my own, so you don't have to worry about anyone finding out."

I wasn't worried about anyone finding out, so whatever gave her that impression, I don't know.

"Anyway, not to seem obsessive but I was kinda hoping for a call or something,"

the blonde glanced down at the remains of my shattered device.

"But I guess that's out of the picture now."

She smirked. God, she was sexy when she smirked.

"I seriously wanted to speak to you. I thought you'd forgotten about me. I washed my hand when I got home so I didn't have your number."

Taylor nodded, taking my hand in hers. I looked up at her, confused.

"I have a fake Twitter account. What's your Twitter username?"

I looked straight into those deep ocean blue eyes, losing my train of thought.

I pictured her kissing me again, but more intense. She was nibbling at my collarbone and her hands were low on my waist. My eyes grew wide as she threw her her jacket across the room, leaving her in nothing but stockings and a dress with the 'Going to Hell' arrow on it. the blonde slowly started to undo my buttons on my shirt individually, each time sending a deep shiver down my spine. I felt her hot breath on my neck, and-

"Bria? What the fuck?"

I jumped back into reality, feeling both embarrassed and excited at the same time.

"Sorry,  I just had a lot on my mind, I guess. What were you saying?"

"what, like my naked body?" she laughed.

How did she know?

"seriously, you were starting at me like crazy... My eyes are up here, you know?" she winked at me, a huge smile spreading across her face.

"Anyway, what's your Twitter username?" Taylor questioned, raising an eyebrow slightly.

"Oh, umm @ZombieBria ." I blushed.

"cool name, I love all my zombies..."

I smiled.

"But some more than others."

She took my hand again, looking at me straight in the eye.

"I'm going to tweet you tonight. You'll know it's me, okay?"

I nodded. I blinked and before I'd even opened my eyes, her soft, sweet lips were touching mine once again. I pulled away, making her pout.

"follow me."

I pulled at her hand, dragging her into the store room.

Just as I went to close the door, I felt her hands on my wrists, pushing me against the cold brick wall.


Before I could ask her what she was doing, our lips connected again. Taylor moved her smooth hand to my face, signalling me to open my mouth more. I went along with it, wondering what she planned on tweeting me. My thoughts were interrupted as she kissed me neck, moving ever so slowly downwards.

I gasped, pulling her closer.

My daydream was becoming reality.

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