40 [Carter]

1.9K 17 4

Liked by christopherbvelezm, joelpimentel, danielshay & 1,735,833 others

cartershay waking up and remembering nothing from last night


username735 my gorgeous queen❤️

haileybutler drunken nights....(p.s. who took care of you???)

joelpimentel me:\\\ haileybutler

haileybutler great😂 it's a surprise that you weren't drunk joelpimentel

joelpimentel 😑😑😂 haileybutler

username376 Chris liked?????!!!!!!?!?!?!?!!!!??

erickbraincolon it was pretty fun!!! even though I'm not old enough to drink:/

cartershay Lmao❤️😂 erickbraincolon

username287 OMG!!!!!!!!!! He diddddddd!!!! username376

username927 jdjdkkdkskebbrjcukdksje. Yes Chris!!!!!!

username154 finally he made a little move!!!


thank you so much for all the support!!!!It's incredible!!!!!
And also thanks for the votes!! You guys are awesome!

I hope you are enjoying!

Have a great day/night!!

Lots of love ❤️💜💙

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