59- The Visit

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Cheryl's POV

I was dreading seeing my mother again. Every time I saw her, I became so eaten up with fury and hatred that it took all my self control not to scream at her. She'd ruined my life up until now. I'd been miserable, believing myself to be unnatural and deviant. Nobody had ever even bothered to change my mind. And I hadn't ever met anyone who I believed could.

My biggest regret was perhaps never telling Jason. Some part of me believed he must have known. We were twins, and knew everything about each other. He must have always known I was gay. But I did a good job of hiding it. I flirted nonstop with boys, so maybe he didn't know. I'd never get to ask him.

I met Toni after school by her bike, her leaning against it, arms folded across her chest, pink hair lightly moving in the afternoon breeze. I kissed her quickly before hopping onto the back of her bike. I'd missed this, meeting her after school at the bike. It was almost like the first few times when we'd pretended we weren't together, except that now we were openly engaged, and the commitment that had once seemed like the most terrifying thing in the world, was now the most appealing.

We left the bike at the entrance to Thornhill, not wanting them to be able to hear us, and walked the rest of the way to the stables.

Toni looked up at the remains of Thornhill, chuckling. "You're really good at burning shit down, aren't you."

I smiled nervously and squeezed her hand. "Let's get this over with."

It was silent from the stables. I hoped my mother and Claudius might not be in, but when I knocked at the door, I heard someone jump up, and footsteps come over. Toni wrapped her arm around my waist and gave me a reassuring squeeze, searching my eyes briefly to comfort me. 

The door was thrown open, and we were greeted by my mother's angry face. She looked shocked to see me, but once she saw Toni standing beside me, her face twisted into hatred and disgust.

"What are you doing here?" She asked me. "And why is she here?"

She didn't look well. Her skin, always pale, was sunken and unhealthy looking. I doubted they'd left the stable. She was skinnier than usual, and I bit my lip before remembering she was a grown woman, and it wasn't up to me to take care of her.

"We wanted to stop by and check up, I guess," I told her, tightening my grasp on Toni's hand. Nothing made me angrier than when someone didn't respect Toni.

My mother rolled her eyes. "We're fine. Living it up in this mansion you left us, you devil child."

I grinned. "It's no more than you deserve."

Toni reached up to scratch her nose, and at that moment, my mother spotted the ring.

"I can't believe Nana Rose is letting this Serpent creature wear her family ring," she spat.

I took a deep breath to try and stop myself from punching her. "Don't call her that. Or may god have mercy on you, because I certainly won't."

Toni looked at me. "It's okay," she muttered. "She's not worth it."

"Is that your ring finger?" My mother asked suspiciously. "Are you two married?"

"No, we're en-gay-ged," Toni told her, and it took all I had not to burst out laughing. I didn't know why Toni seemed to be incapable of being serious when I needed her to be, but I loved her for it. Especially now, among all the tension and hatred, she was still cracking jokes.

My mother narrowed her eyes at me. "Please tell me that isn't true."

I nodded. "Sorry, but we are. Actually, I'm not sorry. I'm happy. And I'm ready to break this stupid Blossom tradition of marrying people for money and reputation. That's why Jason wasn't accepted. Because of Polly. Polly was technically a Blossom! There's no hope for me to marry anyone that any family member will approve of, and I really don't want to try. I'm staying with Toni." My voice was still shaking a little, partly from fear, but mostly still from trying not to laugh.

My mother shook her head. "Do you know what marrying another woman, let alone a dirty criminal Serpent, will do for your reputation? The rest of the Blossoms will disown you."

"I don't care." And I really didn't. The money I'd gotten from my father was more than enough to start a new life somewhere with Toni, and we'd be able to create our own story. I was done with the Blossom family. Once Nana Rose died, I was determined to cut all ties. 

"Great talking to you, Mrs Blossom," Toni told her optimistically, before we turned to leave.

"Wait!" She called as soon as our backs were turned. 

We spun back around again to see what she wanted.

"Is that a Serpent jacket, Cheryl?" She asked, her voice trembling. I saw in that moment the total loss of authority and control as everything she thought she was crumbled. 

"I can't believe I raised a child, not only to be unnatural, but also to desert her family for a gang." She spat, her entire body a picture of powerlessness. 

"You don't know the meaning of family," I told her. "The Serpents are my family."

"I'm done with you, Cheryl," she said firmly. "I don't have anything left to say to you."

"Nor I to you, mother," I replied. "I just thought I should let you know about my upcoming wedding. I have no wish to see you again after this."

This time, when Toni and I turned to leave, she didn't call us back. I smiled triumphantly, the victor in the final fight against her. She had ruined my life. Now, I'd taken it all back. My fists were still tightly closed in anticipation of hitting her over the way she talked to Toni, but I let them loosen.

"You okay?" Toni asked me as we strode back to the bike.

I grinned. "Yep. I hate my family."

She looked at me. "You're starting a new one. With me."

I smiled at her, feeling my stomach dance around and flutter. "I can't wait."

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