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The cold air nipped my skin as we passed through Walmart's doors. Farah had asked me to tag along to get some food for later. We had walked from school and my cheeks were flushed as my throat felt dry.

"I want to make something to impress Chris," Farah murmured to herself as we roamed through the aisles. "What's the deal with that Marissa chick, anyway?" Her blue eyes turned to me.

Marissa had tripped me while we passed her table at lunch break. Luckily for me, I had only bought an apple and a pre-packed sandwich, so my lunch wasn't spoiled much. She laughed with her minions as I rolled my eyes and stood up completely unfazed. I knew she wanted me to react somehow but I ignored her. The whole thing backfired on her when Tom got up and helped me while telling her to back off me.

If she had been angry before it was obvious that now she hated me to death.

I smiled at Tom, who despite trying to be helpful, was leering at me. Cringing inwardly, I thanked him while Farah was this close to tell Marissa off. I didn't want to get her into trouble, so I grabbed her arm and pulled her away.

"She has issues," I shrugged as we stopped at the flours aisle.

"Yeah, but why is she so against you?" She said as she scanned the flour mixes. "I mean, I get it that she's jealous since she almost killed you when Tom helped you, but it's not like you actually pay attention to the guy."

A pang of guilt played in my stomach. Of course Farah was asking me all of this. She didn't know the whole story.

Truthfully, a part of me was a little scared that if she knew the real me, she wouldn't want to be friends with me. Because, let's be honest, who'd want to be friends with such a girl? Still, I had to come clean. Farah was an amazing girl and she deserved honesty.

Sighing, I grabbed one box of brownie mix and passed it to Farah. "I was Marissa."

She frowned and arranged her glasses. "What do you mean?"

I studied her for a moment. She actually didn't look surprised. "You heard about it, haven't you?"

A sheepish smile crossed her face. Her cheeks flushed as she averted her eyes. Warily, she added, "some stuff. Probably all lies, though."

I bit my lip. "I'll tell you all about it" I glanced to my right were an old lady was picking out assorted candies, "but not here."

Farah beamed before tapping the red box, "don't worry, we've got time."

I grimaced as she walked to the cashiers. I wasn't proud of what I had done. A sigh left my lips a I reached her. Her brows creased as she eyed warily the box, "don't we need other ingredients?"

Smiling, I grabbed the box from her and turned it around, showing her the images on the back, "you just need eggs and oil. I'm assuming you have those in your house."

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