Chap. 5

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Sara's POV

I'm so nervous to see how this is going to plan out. Logan and I have been working nonstop, and we think we finally have the perfect plan. A scavenger hunt. That may seem a bit cliche, but I came up with an amazing way for it to start. Her One Direction shrine.

Hannah has a huge obsession with One Direction. And as her best friend, I know everything about her. One of those things being, that she has a shrine that she looks at every night in her closet. So I planted the first clue in there.

Hannah's POV

As I opened the doors to my shrine, that I don't have psh wut, a piece of paper fell onto the floor. It said: Go to your favorite thing in the world. (Besides Sara of course). I figured that would mean my car, so I grabbed my keys and went out to it. There was a piece of paper tucked in the door handle. This one said: Go to the place where you soared high with Logan. The swings?

Well, I'm guessing it's Sara because of that comment. I pulled out my phone and called her. Straight to voicemail? I tried texting her. No response? Oh well, I'll just go with it. It could be fun.

When I got to the park, and walked to the swings, and found a note that said: Go to the the place that sells your jam, it comes in many colors. My jam? I don't even like jam! And it would be flavors, not colors. Because it's Sara, she probably have it another meaning. Have any of the people I like released an album? 5 Seconds of Summer has! But how would I know where to go, they sell albums in so many places! Hmm.. I bet she's talking about Target!

When I arrive, I start looking around the rack of albums. There are so many and in so many different colors, how do I know what to look for?

"Excuse me miss, are you Hannah?" I turn around to see an employee with a name tag that says David.

"Um yes.."

"This is for you." He handed a piece of paper to me with a frown. Alrighty then. It read: You're getting warmer, you might need to cool down. Think of the place you went last week.

GD Freeze? The ice cream shop? When I arrive, I don't find anything so I order my favorite ice cream and toppings. Chocolate- vanilla swirl with chocolate chips, cookie crumbs, and pineapple. After my order she asked, "Are you Hannah?"

I sigh. This again. "Yes, I am."

She smiles and says, "This is for you."

I grab my ice cream and the note, and walk out to my car. The note says: Now that you've gotten a treat, time to go find someone sweet. Although you have been there many times, this will be different, just bring your dimes.

What am I going to do with dimes? As I throw my purse into the passenger seat, I realize I'm supposed to throw the dimes. Into a fountain. In the town square. I start the engine and drive to the parking lot.

When I hop out and throw my ice cream away, I notice a trail of daisies. Ok then, I guess I'm following it. As I reach the end I see the fountain surrounded by candles. In front of it stands Logan.

"This would be so much better with food," I say as I look him in the eyes.

"Really?" he asks and his face drops.

"No, I'm just kidding! I love it!" I scream and laugh.

He smiles and says, "Hannah?"


"You look gorgeous tonight." I blush and look at the ground. "Will you come over here?"

"Uh sure." I respond shakily, freaking out because he just complimented me.

"So, Hannah, I need to ask you something."

"Ok, shoot."

"We have spent so much time together, and I think you are an amazing person. You are funny, nice, beautiful, and just downright amazing. I don't know how you feel or what's been going through-"

"Are you going to ask me out yet?" I say boldly.

He laughs and responds, "Is that a yes?"

"Yes. Definitely yes." I answer.

He pulls me in for a kiss and I swear there were fireworks.. Until I push him back and he pulls me with him into the water. We were both laughing our heads off when I decide to ask him a question.

"Did you do all of this?"

"With a little help." He says, while we're getting up.

"Haha please, a lot of help." Sara says while she throws towels at us.

"Yea... How did you know to bring towels?"

"You don't have to love me, you don't even have to like me. But you WILL respect me. Cause Imma bawse." she claims as she starts dancing weirdly.

We all laugh. "Well I'll leave you all to it." She says while wiggling her eyebrows.

"Bye wierdo!" I scream at her.

"Bye losers!" she screams at us.

"Well she seems great." He said laughing at her.

"She really is." I say back before pulling him in for a kiss.


Author's Note

Hey bae! Apparently that's what I say now. I'm Sara, the real one and the one in the story. I'm actually the author's best friend, and I wrote this chapter! Vote, comment, and follow her please! Shank ya peeps!

Peace out Girl Scout.

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