Chapter 6

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So as Lucy promised, she went with Bella to her first rehersal, they arrieved earlier an saw that Theo was outside the building waiting for someone so they decide to go inside before the rehearal started.

"Hi Theo"

"Hi Isabella, how are you?

"find thank you, look she is Lucy Willmintong, my best friend, i hope you dont mind she is here"

"no problem, nice to meet you Lucy, i am" Theo James"

"Hi Theo, thank you for you know.. let me stay"-Lucy said

"Sure, come whenever you want"


"so do you want to go inside?"- theo asked

"Weren't you waiting for someone?"- Bella said

"Yes.. you"

"Uhh.. thank you, sure lets go in"

So the three of then walked into a huge salon decorated with musical instruments in the walls and around the place, in the middle of the room two boys were around a table with food and several gifts.

"Look girls they are Carlos the guitarist and Jake the drummer"

"Guys they are Isabella McCartney.. the winner and Lucy Willmintong her best friend"

"Call me Bella please"- bella said

"Ohh Isabella is the beautiful girl you told us about right? The one you saw on the movies"- Carlos said

"Carlos..shhhh!"-theo said

A moment of silence was experienced in the room after Carlos said that, he was a tall blonde guy with blue eyes and dimples in both cheeks, he was handsome in Lucy's opinion too.

"Uhhh sorry.. nice to meet you girls"- Jake interrupted

"Nice to meet you too Jake" -both girls said

"So ill seat around here, you guys start"- Lucy said

A moment later, Theo said:

"uhh isabella, you know, because you are in,we preppared a gift and some..

...kind of a brunch here so i dont know, would you like to eat and grab your gift?"

"guys, it was no necessary, thank you, well yeah sure"-Bella said

"It was Theo's idea"- Jake said

"Well, thanks for you three"

So Bella grabed her gift and unwraped it, it was a blouse she saw on forever 21 and guitar case she had been looking around for months, Theo walked by the store she was in and watched what she wanted, so he got it for her.

"Ohh my god.. thank you.. i reallly appreciate it"

"look bella, it is not preassure but we loved your song... the one you sang for the audition,and we were wondering if we could sing it as a band"-Carlos asked

"Sure, dont worry it would be a pleassure"-bella answered

So after they finish eating and saved the instruments Bella went were Theo was and told him:

"Hey, look thanks.. really for everything"

"look isabella, yesterday i forgot to take off the poster in starbucks and i was thinking that since you won.. you would have the privilage to go with me and take it off, see you at 6pm on statbucks with Lucy, ill be with Carlos"

"yeah sure.. see you then"

"I want to go to!"- jake said

"Fine"-theo said

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