Chapter2- I'm Going

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Still confused by what Minerva had said i wander to the living room, where I find  my mum looking at Minerva asthough she had just told her... well probably what she just told her. I'm suddenly surprised to here my own voice shouit out. "THIS is a horribly cruel joke to play on someone miss. So i'm going to kindly ask you get. Out. of our home." I was furious. How could someone to be so cruel as to  give someone like my self hope like this. "My dear child," Minerva started calmly. "I assure this is no joke. i shall prove it." She then turned to a tea cup that had been rested on our coffee table. I, and my parents watched in shock as the cup shock then turned into a rat. My mum screamed and it turned back. I stare at Minerva, she had a long, thin stick of wood pointed at the tea cup. A wand. I stare at her, mouth gaping open. I realize this and quickly shut it. "So there really is a witch and wizard school called.... er..." I'd forgotten the name of the school she mentioned. "Hogwarts." She stated simply. "Er... right. And um, does that mean, that a I am, um uh..... witch?" I ask I try the keep the hopfullness out of my voice but I know im unsuccesfull by the looks on my parents faces. "Yes, you are what we call a muggle born. A muggle is a person who is without magical qualities therefor a muggle born, is a witch or wizard born of two muggles there are also half-bloods, and pure-bloods." I'm ecstatic. I always knew i was different but I thought that was just me. I never thought I was part of a whole different world! "Wait!" I say suddenly. "why don't people know wizards and witches exist?" I mean they could solve so many issues! Minerva seemed to read my mind. "Some muggles would want magic to solve all their problems. Also, some would want to extinguish our kind because we're different." "well I get that part." I mutter under my breath. Suddenly I think of something else, what if it isn't good to be muggle born, what if i'm still a freak because my parents are both muggles? I don't dare ask Ms. Magonagal about it because i'm afraid of the answer. So instead I ask something else. "What do I need for school? And how on earth am i going to get there?" My parents glance at eachother with worried faces. Before ms. magonagall can speak my dad blurts out, "Hermy, are you sure you want to go to this school of magic?!" I know my dad, and my mum, are just worried about me so I mustn't get mad at him asking this. "Dad," I say softly. " All my life i've been laughed at. Because i was different. As i'm sure you've noticed, i've never brought a friend home. That's because i don't have any. Mum," i turn to my mother. "I know you're worried but you don't have to be. I'll be happier at Hogwarts, mum. I'll be normal." As i say those last words tears well up in my eyes. All I ever wanted was to be normal! To have friends! "I have to go mum. Please, I just have to." I plead. My mum sighs. "I know hunny, I know." She smiles. As I look at my father I see he's smiling too. "Thankyou." I whisper. I turn to ms. Magonagall. "By train." She says simply. I nod. "And," She starts with a slight grin and a sparkle in her eyes.

"In Diogon Alley."



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