The Worst Gamble

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  Maria and Paul were the last out of the lab. Maria was revising and conducting some tests. Paul was frantically going over his notes, telling himself that the experiment would work. Paul's lack of confidence worried Maria, but he was head of Project Gamble so she didn't mention it. Paul actually had been acting strange the entire week. She hoped he was okay as she locked the doors, Paul was looking out into the wilderness as if something could jump out of the woods at any moment. This worried her. Such erratic behavior would not help complete the experiment.

"You're beginning to worry me Paul, what has you so riled up?" she asked as he didn't even turn to face her.

"Maria! We can't go through with it. Something's amiss. Our actions are not our own, but carefully manipulated by something higher than us. Something demonic." Paul answered frantically.

"What's wrong with you? You sound insane! Are you on something?" Maria spoke with concern.

Before he could reply Paul quickly entered his car and drove speedily off. Maria didn't know what to do, she couldn't call anyone. Paul didn't live with anyone or have any living family. None of the scientists on Project Gamble did. They were all effectively hermits who only had each other.

We can't give up on Project Gamble at this point. The longer we wait the less time we have.

Her memories took her back to the horror. Her motivations. Mankind had been infected. Parasitic creatures had begun infecting humans across the globe. Their numbers grew quickly and many people lost their lives. Maria remembered when she was on vacation. Relaxing on the beach. Then she got the phone call. The phone call from the government stating her family had been killed in an attack. The memory brought her to her knees. A tear ran down her cheek.

I can't stand the thought. I was probably drinking tea when they were killed.

Joining the government to combat the threat, it was decided that mankind needed something more deadly than themselves. The concept was based around invasive species. If mankind could make something to exploit the weaknesses of the zombies, the threat could be eradicated. This was Project Gamble.

Maria decided to sleep on what to do with Paul. The next day, as she met with her associates for the big day. As everyone got ready, Maria couldn't help but notice Paul was missing. Darla and Lee were there but not Paul. This worried her, she tried calling but no answer. Suddenly Jackson burst into the lab holding an notebook. He looked upset. He sat the notebook on the counter. Everyone stared at him.

"I am sorry to report, but Paul was found dead late last night. His car crashed and fell off a bridge. Authorities suspect he was high, but I see no evidence for that." Jackson spoke each word with sadness.

Darla was the first to speak, "What about Project Gamble?"

"We will do what Paul would have wanted us to do. He'd want us to complete it with no delays. The test subject will be coming here soon." Jackson answered.

Maria left the room to the bathroom. She needed more than a moment. Once again she could do nothing to stop someone she cared about from dying. This wounded her. She knew that probably everyone in the room felt similar. She questioned how they were going to work under these conditions.

Jackson hated this. He felt cold. Uncaring. He didn't like being the bearer of bad news. He felt like he gave off the wrong impression. As the assistant of Paul, logically he was the leader. As the leader he let everyone take a break to cope somewhat. He didn't think it would help, but he didn't know what else to do. He examined the notebook he brought with him. It was Paul's. He flipped through it and examined a mysterious drawing evident of Paul's warped mental state. The figure looked demonic in nature. It wore what seemed to be dark crimson and torn robes. It also oddly wore boots. Its arms seemed to be covered in spiky arm with spiky claws. The strangest thing was the head, it seemed to be wearing an spiked helmet with horns. The face seemed to resemble an mask. It had no eyes except what seemed to resemble an ink blot.

Paul my friend, what were you thinking?

Darla needed to relieve anger. She never admitted it, but she liked Paul. So she was in a more restricted part of the lab with test subjects. Though test subjects were too generous of a word for her. They were zombie. Captured for testing on how effective the outcome of their experiment would be against them. With an electric prod, she beat the vile creature. Each hit fueling her vengeance. She remembered that they killed her daughter. She also blamed them for Paul's death too. The zombie cried out in pain, this angered but had to restrain herself so she wouldn't kill it. Suddenly she was quite motivated to finish the experiment.


The test subject was an convict. An adult male possibly in his 30s. The experiment would be conducted inside a secure cell. The convict was strapped onto the table. He wearing an hospital gown. He was awake, but shown no signs of mental activity. Jackson watched from an observation deck, Darla controlled security, while Maria was observing the test subject from outside of the glass.

"I know some of you are upset, but truth be told nobody will miss him. It is all for our better future." Lee counseled as he carried an vaccine in his hand.

Lee took no pleasure in this. He knew that this convict was tricked into coming here, He knew that before the experiment, the convict was essentially turned into an vegetable. It didn't bother him. Lee understood that the man probably deserved it and some things were for the greater good. He administered the vaccine and took a step back. The test subject shook violently as the serum entered his body. Bit by bit, the subject's flesh fell off being replaced by something new. Lee could see parts of the face falling to the ground.

The shedding process is going as I expected it to.

The head drooped low as if the subject was dead. No human skin was left, only something reptilian left behind. Claws replaced fingernails. The face was the most disturbing part, all was left was an skull. No signs of activity.

Lee could feel that the others were terrified, but he was filled with wonder. What was going on in that body? He studied it before moving the head up to stare into its face. Was it dead? Possibly in an coma? He couldn't tell. Suddenly as he stared, something flickered to life. He saw red and heard an vile screech in his ear followed by the sound of the straps breaking. He was met with sharp piercing pain on his arm. The subject's claw upon freeing itself unintentionally scratched him leaving an deep and bleeding wound. Lee knew he had to leave but the subject stood up looking over him. Its teeth shined and the claws seemed to look sharper than before. It was alive. Lee backed away slowly, unsure of what would happen next. It seemed to have an unnatural fixation on his scar, then he came to an realization.

This was what I made it to do. This was my part of the design. It thinks of me as a threat, it knows to hunt me down. I am living the last moments of my life.

Before his life could be taken, the monster fell down in rage. On its knees, Lee took this opportunity to escape. He locked the door as he held his wounded arm. The others rushed in to aid him, but Lee kept his eyes on what was happening the room. The screech it was making sounded like it was in intense pain. It sounded like death in the form of an animal. As it was screaming, Lee noticed that something appeared to be emerging from its head. They were curved but red tipped spikes. The same appeared to be happening to the back too. A tail also seemed to be forming. Was this the final transformation?


Darla couldn't wait any longer. Lee was injured, yes but the experiment was an definite success. They've worked for years on this, and it had already claimed Paul. She was ready. She wanted vengeance. Without permission, she released the zombies. They slowly entered the contained area upon seeing their target.

"Darla? What are you doing, this isn't the time for this!" Jackson shouted.

"Time? I'm tired of waiting, I wish to see our creation!" Darla shouted back.

Their creation finally standing back up was initially confused on what the lumbering sacks of rotting flesh were doing approaching it. However it was a quick learner. Its screech filled Darla with a perverse joy. The pair of zombies honed on the sound and spit towards the creature. Upon contact, it burned its skin. This seemed to enrage it as it jumped on the wall. Crawling sideways it pounced on the zombie using its claws to tear it apart limb by limb.

"It is as we all envisioned, but so much better." Darla said as she watched through video feeds.

"But that's not enough." whispered an voice.

Darla felt something. Something that made her sick to her stomach. She them felt an unusual hand touch her shoulder. Her head turned to see the figure in Paul's notebook standing behind her.

"W-what are you?" She whispered.

"I'm just a helper. One might say a healer of souls." the figure said smirking.

"Help my soul?" she asked.

The more she talked, the more she felt strangely at ease. Even as chains originating from his back seemed to be creeping up slowly towards her.

"What would help your soul would be seeing the carnage up close and personal." Sinisterly suggested the figure.

His words felt soft. Irresistible. He was right. Up close and personal would suit her much better. She got up out of her chair and headed to the entrance. If she ran, she might catch the killing of the second zombie. As she exited to the steps. Maria and Lee asked her what she was doing, but Darla ignored them as she entered through the door. The creature noticed just as it had killed the second zombie.
The screams and sounds of carnage pleased him. Vengeance was a great way to motivate people. Two deaths already occurred and this group proved easily manipulated. There was no stopping what they had created at this point, now all he needed was to push them to their deaths. Paul was the only one who proved more aware of the situation. Unfortunately for Paul, the revelation realized itself as paranoid insanity. He remembered Paul's car crashing off the road. A fond memory, He then walked down the hallway into the darkness.
Darla was dead. She didn't stand a chance against their creation. Maria didn't want to look at the scene or the subject. She was confused and upset. Two deaths in one day. Why did Darla do that? Was it suicide? She didn't have the answers. What she did know was that thing was too dangerous. Whatever cryptic message Paul was saying, he was right. This creature had to be stopped somehow.

"Lee..we have to kill it." She said tending to his arm.

"Us? Kill it? Not sure we have the means." He replied.

Jackson came down from the stairs, "If we don't I'm convinced that thing will kill us." he said.

Maria became startled by the creature staring at them through the glass. It was disturbing. She stepped back.

"It has a name." Spoke the figure from before as he came out of the shadows.

Everyone was startled. Jackson responded by throwing a chair towards the figure. The chair flew towards the target, but he instantly grabbed it with one hand.

"Back demon! Back!" He shouted.

The figure simply crushed the chair with his claw, "As I was saying, his name is Cortisor. I chose it myself."

"W-what are you?" Maria asked.

"Me? I am the one who has lead you to your evident deaths. In your anger, I manipulated you and you have created me the perfect creature." He explained smirking.

Maria turned around and couldn't find Cortisor. Up above she saw that the observation area had been clawed and broken. The thing was now on the loose. She became very afraid.

"It is gone." She said nervously.

The others turned to see if their worst fear was true. The figure crept up behind them placing his claws on their backs. He was smiling.

"Looks like it has begun." he said and then in an instant he was gone.

"We need to find something to defend ourselves!" Lee said frantically grabbing up some dangerous chemicals. Gripping them tightly and nervously scanning the room.

Jackson took out a pocket knife. He didn't think it would help, but he didn't have many options.

"I'll head to the control room and call for help. It's all we can do. You two evacuate." Jackson commanded.

Maria and Lee nodded and made their way down the hallways to the exit.


Lee was the most worried. He was sure he'd die. Cortisor already got a taste of him. He felt like it had it out for him. Maria was beside him. They were walking slowly making sure to be quiet. Lee scanned the rooms for means of faster escape. Ultimately he was an survivor. He didn't want to leave his friends behind, but he didn't want to die either. He'd take any chance he'd get.


Something above them! Lee turned around and looked up. Was their monster in the vents? Both he and Maria stopped. Moments passed. Had they become like children who were scared of every unknown sound? They continued walking forward. The pressure was getting to Lee. He was becoming more and more afraid of every corner. Every door. It was as if death awaited him every moment. He tried to shake off the feeling.


The devilish thing from before entered calmly from an closet of discarded materials. Lee fell to the ground at the shock. He turned his head looking directly at Lee, "He still hasn't found you yet?"

Lee crawled backwards bumbling out gibberish. Maria was frozen still, unsure what to do as the being walked forward towards Lee.

Should I push Maria to the ground to make a run for it?

He stopped moving and looked up as the being was smiling at him. Maria was pointing behind him as he heard an light growling.

"Ah here we are. Let us get this event moving." Said the thing.

Lee slowly turned his head to see Cortisor right behind him stalking him curiously. Lee screamed and throw the vial of chemicals into its eyes. Cortisor screeched from pain and dug his claws into Lee's shoulders. The creature's eyes burned as he dragged Lee with him into the darkness.


Gunshots and screeching was heard. Jackson came out of the shadows with a shotgun. He was dragging Lee, who seemed barely alive. Maria gasped.

"Reinforcements are coming! Maria get out while you still can!" He shouted.

Just then Cortisor pounced upon his back causing Jackson to waste an gunshot. He cried out as Maria ran towards the exit crying.


She kicked open the doors outside to be greeted by an forest. Helicopters were landing with military soldiers dressed in armor and carried machine guns. She hugged one with tears in her eye.

Thank God it is over.

The peace was shattered by that distinct screech. The soldiers aimed their guns at Cortisor who had positioned himself on top of the laboratory. Maria hoped it would be over without anyone else dying. She ran to the back hiding behind a large rock for cover.


Cortisor could smell twelve men with hostile intentions. An red laser appeared on his white gown. This angered him as he growled. Charging he leaped off into the air met by several dozens bullets piercing through his skin. The pain was intense yes, but the human desire to destroy drove him. The creature couldn't stop if he wanted to. He fell to the ground, each and every organ shot or wounded. His eyes began to feel heavy, feet of the living crowded around him. This was the end of his short existence.

He felt breathing upon his neck by something familiar.

"Live my creation. Bullets do not stop you. Not with some mysticism involved. Veen Ze Desa." Whispered an voice.

Suddenly he became to rapidly feel energized. Alive. Improved. Better than before. He began to arise. More bullets went through him but it was as if the pain only existed for a moment before the damage was undone. He screeched in victory howling at the sun. Death would not claim him, he would be Death. The soldiers stepped back continuing to fire their guns to no effect. What followed was what seemed to be an cackling laugh, as his tail knocked one over and he pounced. Taking each bullet he would inflict the same pain he had experienced upon them as he slashed forward at two others. They began to fall back, so he used his claws to knock over several trees trapping another, he finished that one off before ending a stray with an pounce to the back.


A group of small circular objects hit his ankle and landed around him. In rage he kicked one forward as his sight was covered by explosions. The burning sensation on his skin motivated him. Picking up an body he threw it forward knocking one of his enemies over. Scurrying up a tree he gained height and landed feet forward into another one.

There were merely four left who opposed him, but he could only see three. Something sharp then pierced his shoulders, two knives. Held in place by the soldier's arms. Biting his arm he swung the man onto an rock and removed the knives by throwing them into two others. He cackled in joy as the last soldier tripped and dropped his gun. It was over quick.

The carnage was over, he scanned the bodies for any signs of life. None, but he had unfinished business. Sniffing the air he went behind an rock, his last target was here. She was gone, but he would find her. He could smell her scent, she entered his birthplace once again.


Maria knew she didn't have much time. It was clear that Cortisor had some sort of regeneration abilities. Guns wouldn't work, but an large explosion could. Nothing to regenerate from if caught in too large of a explosion. Using the delicate equipment she had rigged the entirety of the laboratory to explode.

It is silent for now. Silent for the last time. Paul, Darla, Lee, Jackson. All dead. My second family dead to our child. My heart beats fast because I know deep down this is the end, I cannot let this thing kill any further.

She could hear something. Cortisor was coming towards her. His growling could be heard. She closed her eye and kept her hand on the trigger. Gently pressing the button. She waited for oblivion only for death to not embrace her. She turned around looking for the source of the problem and she noticed boots and torn robes. The thing from before had cut the wires!

"I'm afraid we can't have that happening." He said twirling the torn wires.

Cortisor heard him and noticed them both. The being turned his attention to a wall and out from his body sprang glowing chain tentacles, they extended to the wall melting it, exposing the endless forest. He pointed there. Cortisor seemed confused for a moment before following commands. He charged outside ready to cause destruction.

"No!" Maria shouted as she watched her creation run away.

The demon like thing walked up to her, "I am impressed. You were so close. So selfless. It just wasn't enough. Goodbye."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 03, 2018 ⏰

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