17. later that night

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Later that night everyone was still woke except mamma arreaga and Brandon's dad. So all of us went to the front and just started talking I was currently sitting on Nick's lap while I was telling a spooky story because that was what we were doing. There was a knock on the door me and Brandon got up and answered the door and it was her the evil witch who broke my mans heart. She busted through the door even though we didn't say she could and she immediately sat on Nick's lap. I just stood there and watched Nick try to take her off him but she wouldn't. That's when I started walking over to Nick and everyone I mean everyone in that living gets up except Nick, and alexys. All you hear is the guys laughing I'm now in front of Nick and alexys then all you see is me pick Alexys up from Nick's lap and put her on the floor. Then I nod at Zion and he picks her up and put the trash back outside. Once the trash(Alexys) is out we laugh and go back to me talking a scary story.

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