|Part 2 the yandere|

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Sport boy: well Cory it was nice meeting you but I have to go now I got things to do
Cory: ok - whispers- senpai
-Sport boy leaves-
???:-walks to Cory- hello........
Cory: oh hi - says with a smiley face-
???: come with me I'll show you something cool
Cory: okay
- Cory follows that mystery person-
???: - gets a bat-
Cory: what are you gonna do with that? - is scared-
- ??? Hits Cory with the bat and she faints-
Cory: -wakes up and tries to get off the chair-
???: how did you sleep?
Cory: who are you I want answers now!!!!!!!!?????
???: oh - laughs- you don't remember me?!
???:-takes off hood-
Cory: - is surprised- Maggie?!
Maggie: yes it's me
Cory: but why Maggie?
Maggie: we were friends until you found that other girl named "Darggie" and you forgot about me.
Cory: Maggie I'm sorry
Maggie: but that's not all . YOU EVEN LIKE MY CRUSH
Cory: b.....but Maggie maybe he doesn't feel the same way as you
Maggie: I don't care if he likes me or not he will be MINE and you will PAY for what you've done - gets a knife and stabs Cory 8 times-
Cory: -sobs- Maggie please stop this torture I'm so so so sorry - is crying-
Maggie: well too late - stabs her to death-
Cory:- is dead-
Maggie: - laughs like crazy ( well she is)-
Darggie: - thinks : wheres Cory? She's never late for school-
Maggie:- walks in-
Darggie: oh hey Maggie ( more like pysicho)
Maggie: - walks to her- DONT TOUCH MY SENPAI IS THAT CLEAR??!!!
Darggie: okay geesh
Maggie: good - walks away-
Darggie: - is talking with Glitchy -
Glitchy: i gtg to the bathroom babe can you hold my phone please?
Darggie: okay sure
Glitchy: thx babe - walks to the bathroom-
Darggie: - puts password and checks messages-
Darggie: - sees a contact named : "MY SEXY GURL" and smashes phone-
Glitchy: - walks to Darggie- hey babe thx for- - sees phone broken- WHAT HAPPENED HERE?
Darggie: oh your phone freezed and then it exploded
Glitchy: but that's impossible
Darggie: well bae somethings happen and sum don't
Glitchy: bae I gtg
Darggie:  okay bye babe

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 04, 2018 ⏰

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