"If I can show you heaven on earth, our very own paradise, promise me you'll stay?"
In which an unlikely duo of a sick boy and a depressed stranger break lots of rules, travel the world, and hide from authority.
Concept copyright @onelasttae, story...
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First, the ground rules:
Flash photography is not permitted in this experience, and all violators will be reported and taken down if I see any similar photos! Let everyone enjoy the experience, without plagiarism, alright?
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Please respect everyone on board throughout the telling of this story. There might be some relationships you don't expect, but either way please show respect.
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There will be mature themes in this story, such as sexual (there will be warnings) and mental illness themes, as well as lots of adrenaline-inducing moments and fluff so cute you will hardly be able to function. Proceed with caution.
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Characters are extremely crucial. They are trying to find themselves in a society where getting lost is a daily routine. Be patient, for they are learning just as you and I are.
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The plot for this book was created by a lovely person with beautiful angel wings, onelasttae and I am so honored that she trusts me to write this story. Mela, you are an absolutely brilliant human being and I am so happy I decided to click on 'Him' all those months ago. If I hadn't I might not have ever met you. Thank you for listening to me, fangirling and ranting with me, and overall just being the sweetest. I'm always here for you with my pom poms to cheer you on. You deserve all the love in the world:)
Remember that even though your old characters have new homes now, you can always drop by for a visit - they already miss you and talk about you all the time. They might be rehomed, but they'll always remember where they were born ♡