Crazy foldy

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Once there was foldy, she is a female contestant

:foldy: im hungry, i got an idea, maybe i can eat everything

*foldy walks out of her house*

*foldy licks lollipop and eats taco*

:lollipop: ewww, why did you lick me

:foldy: you are a lollipop and you look tasty, im gonna eat you

*lollipop slaps foldy very hard and walks away*

:foldy: owwww

:stapy: hey foldy

:foldy: hello stapy, how is your day

:marker: hey foldy fold

*foldy kicks marker*

:marker: ouch, not right here

:foldy: ha ha ha

:leafy: oooooo you just kicked him right in the part where you not suppost to kick him at

*foldy kicks leafy very hard*


:x: im calling fours elimination station

*X calls four*

:X: hello this is x, foldy kicked leafy and marker

*four appears and cuffs foldy*

:foldy: what did i do

:four: you kicked marker and leafy and ate taco, thats not death preventing

:foldy: but but

:four: no buts, you are under arrested,

*four puts foldy in car*

:foldy: awwwwww woman

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