I won't give up on us

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Chapter 34

I close the door and immidetly I feel the tears running down my face. I look back at the door, thinking if I should go back in there, but eventually I tell myself it's not a good idea.

I walk and walk until I stop in front of the store that started it all, Hollister.

I sit in my usual spot, in the alley, and sit down slowly. I sob coming out of my mouth.

"Maria?" I look up and see Niall staring down at me.

"Yeah?" I say like nothing is wrong.

"What happened?" he asks while sitting next to me.

I look at him and raise an eyebrow, "He kicked me out," I said looking back at my hands and realise that Max is still on a leash, so I release it and let him be free, I don't worry because he always comes back.

"What?! Why?!" he asks his face full of confusion.

"He didn't even let me explain," I said and Niall starts pacing.

"I'll talk to him," he says looking down at me.

I get up and shake him, "Niall wake up, don't you see? I'm better like this, I'm happier," I say smiling.

"I can't just..." he sighs, "I can't just let you sleep on the streets, again. Not after-" I cut him off.

"I'm happier like this," I say looking at him sweetly.

"But-" I cut him off.

"I'm happier," I say softly.

"Fine," he sighs, "If you need anything, you know where I live," he says carressing my arms, "I love you," he says and kisses my head.

"I love you too, Niall." he walked away and I leaned against the wall, sighing.

"Hello?" I hear the voice say through the phone.

"Hi, Bella?"


"Great, so I'll see you there," I said once she tells me she's in London for a recording.

I hung up and grabbed my guitar case. I whistled for Max and he came running back to me. I put on his leash and walked towards the street. I looked down at my phone. I don't need this shit anymore. I dropped my phone in the sewer.

When I got up, I felt a sharp pain on the left side of my head. I fell to the ground and suddenly everything is slow. I heard sirens booming in the distance. I looked to my side saw him, kneeling on the floor, sobbing his heart out. I wanted to go over there and wrap my arms around him and tell him that everything is was going to be alright, but I couldn't move. I still can't believe he came back for me.

A smile spread around my face as I kept looking at him...

Harry's P.O.V

I was standing there for over half an hour. I watched her leave. Leave my house, leave my life.

I have my heart, but you can keep that one...

Her last words repeated over and over in my head as I was standing there looking at the front door. I watched as the door nob twists. A little hope ignited inside me. As the door opened, I prepared myself for her voice to ring in my ears and the butterflies in my stomach to grow, but they didn't as I heard an Irish accent instead of an American one.

"You messed up, again," I heard him say, but I couldn't look at him or move because I was still in my trance.

"How could've I messed up. She was the one that faked her death, again," I said once I was out of my trance, and turned around to look at Niall.

"She didn't fake it!" he screamed.

I was taken aback by his sudden outburst because Niall is never really mad.

"It was Ana's idea. She gave Stan a fake paper for the flight. Here look at it," he said and gave me the paper.

I unfolded it and saw a bunch of details, but something caught my eye. Smith-Johanosson, Maria.

"Her surname is spelt wrong," I whispered to myself, "How could I..." I said and look up at Niall, he was smiling.

"Go get her. She's in front of Hollister," he said taking the paper from my hands and pushed me towards the front door.

"Thanks mate," I said once I opened the door.

I didn't give him time to reply because I was already sprinting my way towards Hollister.

She will never forgive me.

Be optimist! She will understand.

No she won't!

Yes she will. She loves you...

Don't listen to him. She won't forgive you.

I won't give up on her...

I shut my mind off once I get to Hollister. I looked for her, but she's nowhere in sight. I dropped to my knees as I heard sirens booming in the distance. I looked up and saw that there was a car crash, no more than ten feet away.

I ran towards the crash.

"Sir you're not supposed to pass!" One of the policemen said.

"She's my girlfriend!" I said, tears already dripping from my chin.

I lowered to mu knees and grabbed her hand.

"Hey gorgeous," she smiled up at me.

"Hey handsome." My lips trembled as I tried to smile.

"Everything is going to be alright-" she took a sharp shaky breath, "-I promise..."

I shook my head and grabbed her from her shoulders to place her on my lap. She winced in pain.

"Sing to me?" she said barely a whisper. I shook my heard and took a deep breath. "I love you, Harry..."

"You know I'll be

Your life

Your voice

Your reason to be

My love, my heart

Is breathing for this


In time, I'll find the w-words to say."

She closed her eyes and her head rested on her side.

"Before you leave me... today."

I lowered my head and started sobbing. I lost her, I finally lost her...

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