Chapter Thirteen

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Harry was torn. He had come down here to help, and now it looks like he'll have to fight his best friend.

"Come on, Potter. Aren't you going to save your little friend?" Tom Riddle mocked and Harry turned to see Draco open his mouth,probably to cast a spell, when Harry dove at him.

They crashed together on the floor and Harry immediately used a spell to immobilize Draco while he figured out what to do about everything else.

      Hermione was fading fast and it seemed like the boy was becoming less translucent? Harry didn't have time to worry about any of that however, the next thing he knew Tom had started speaking.

      "Eat the boy." Following his command a giant snake slithered out of its hiding hole.

     "Great what next, Snape in a bikini?" Harry grumbled to himself before turning to Ginny. "Hide! Don't look in its eyes. Actually just don't look at it." Harry told the girl. He watched as she ran off in some unknown direction before dodging to the side as the Basilisk tried to eat him. A sharp cry echoed from behind him and Harry turned to see Fawkes appear from down the hall. The Phoenix dropped the sorting hat by Harry's feet before moving to attack the snake.


      Harry looked to Draco who was still immobilized on the floor and then to Hermione who was still fading because of a dead boys diary. First things first, Draco.

Moving over to the boy Harry dropped to his knees, then moved to straddle the boy, and finally released him from the spell.

"Potter!" Draco hissed, "get off of me this instant!" Harry smiled sadly at his friend but refused to move. He was however taken by surprise when he was suddenly flung from the boy. As he crashed to the floor Harry saw that Riddle had picked up Draco's fallen wand.

"I would appreciate it, Potter, if you didn't ignore me." Tom moved to Draco's side and handed him his wand back. "Now be a nice little servant and eliminate the annoyance would you." The spirit whispered into Draco's ear, but Draco didn't move. He only stared at Harry, his eyes unfocused.

      Then, his eyes suddenly cleared for a moment and Draco took in his surroundings.

"Where the fuck am I?!" Draco cried obviously annoyed and not the least bit shaken. Just annoyed. It showed Harry just how often Draco was kidnapped by his brothers just then.

"Draco listen-" Harry tried to say before Draco's eyes glazed over again and he was suddenly standing up, his wand pointing directly at Harry's forehead.

In the back of Harry's mind he knew he should get up. He should fight Draco, and whatever Snape did to him. He should stop the snake before Fawkes could no longer keep distracting it. He should save Hermione, and the leech sucking her dry should be burned in a fireplace. But he couldn't. Just imagining his best friend pointing a wand at him with malice intent, with the desire to kill him was enough to stall him, and here it was right before him.

"What Potter, not going to fight me." Draco sneered.

"I can't, Draco. You're my best friend. I can't fight you." Harry hung his head. Ready for what ever spell Draco was about to do him in with.

"Two out of three." Draco said. Bringing Harry's attention back to the boy. His wand was no longer aimed at Harry but at the basilisk. "Avada Kederva!" A flash of green light struck out of Draco's want and hit the snake in the back. It suddenly stopped moving and fell limp to the floor. Harry turned back to Draco, surprised, ignoring Riddles scream of outrage.


"Two out of three, Harry. Can't fight it for long."

"Oh. You won't have to Mr.Malfoy." Snape said as he slinked out from behind a statue. " you've done splendidly so far."

Harry glared at the man. Draco has said two out of three and then cast the killing curse. Did he mean unforgivables? Fight it, he was fighting something as well. Then the memory of first year appeared in Harry's mind against his will. Draco quivering on the ground screaming in pain. Draco curled into a ball and just shaking afterwards. His nerves were shot because of that curse! So that meant Draco was under imperious! All of this just led Harry's thoughts back to Snape. That man controlled Draco!

"Now it is just a matter of clearing up loose ends." Snape drawled as he walked over to the sorting hat and cast a silent spell on it. He reached his hand in after and drew out a sword.
'Since when did the sorting hat have a sword? Could it drop on some poor defenseless first year's head?' Harry thought to himself as he watched Snape stab the basilisk through the head before returning to the journal. He poised the sword over the journal and everyone watched as poison dripped from the blade onto the journal.

"What are you doing Snape? We had a deal!" Riddle hissed as he tried to grab at Snape but dazed through him instead.

"Change of plans." With that Snape stabbed the journal and Tom Riddle vanished. Snape then turned to the two boys and smirked when he saw that they both had wands pointed at him. "Oh now none of that. I just saved you shouldn't you be thanking me?" The smirk on his face made Harry want to wipe it right off.

A low growl emanated from Draco and hated turned to see Draco approaching Snape. Draco looked positively animalistic right then, and it stunned Harry long enough for Snape to stun Draco.

"Hey!" Harry shouted before he too was stunned and everything fell away.
Hidden away in a tiny corner Ginny was watching as Snape levitated the three children, forgetting all about her, and left the chamber. She followed at a slower pace and watched as Snape approached Mrs. McGonagall. She watched as Snape told the Professor that Draco was the heir, he had taken the girls to the chamber and planned to kill them and Harry when he appeared and stopped the boy.

Ginny watched all of this, and she watched as Draco was taken away to Azkaban. At first she was happy. Her rival was gone!  Then she looked at the still unconscious Harry laying on the floor and she frowned. His best friend was just framed for attempted murder. Harry wasn't going to want her all over him. He was going to be angry! Then she looked at Snape, a smug grin on his face and she glared at him. He had just framed a twelve year old, how pitiful is that! And everyone believed him! Ginny then frowned again and snuck away, back to her dorm room. She would have to do some reading on the deaths of the Malfoys.
Hey. I am soooooooo sorry that I haven't updated in so long. School. That is my only answer. School. Anyways hope you enjoyed this chapter. It will be the last of the story telling ark part of this book, but hey it had to end somewhere.

Oh and I needed someone to break out of prison so you know. Draco. It's only one year! Not even that!

Anyways as always


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