Caller ID

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Specially altered for my husband so he could enjoy my work too.
Love you, honey!

3rd person POV

David and Marla are having dinner together like any other ordinary night since they've been together as lovers officially. Now they are enjoying ramen at the mall after watching movie.

Simple date.

Then Marla's phone is ringing.

David glanced the caller ID that showed on Marla's phone screen at the table.

'Bear Bob' is calling.

Marla nearly picks up the call but her movement stopped because she noticed David grits his teeth. She gulps. "He is my bestfriend."

David nods. He chew his food slowly. He says nothing.

"I might be liked him like you liked Beth back then, but he is a friend." Marla said carefully. "Just friend. Bestfriend is as far as he goes."

David nods. Still doesn't look back at Marla.

The call become miscall.

Marla sighs. If he doesn't picks up Bob call, then James would....

'Agent 007–James Bond' is calling.

There he is.

David glanced Marla's phone screen once again. He sighs and put another spoonful of food to his mouth.

Marla lets James's call become another miscall. She put her full attention to David. "David...?"

David finally looks back at Marla. "Hm?"

Marla looks at David with confussion in her eyes. "I didn't even know that you were courting me even you didn't make it subtle and even James and Bob knew." She said.

David still silents and just looks at Marla.

"... I dont take hints. I would not understand what do you want or what bothers you if you did not tell me." Marla continued.

David sighs. "This is nothing."

"The hell it's nothing, baby. I know you're upset." Marla reaches out her right hand and caress on David's elbow with the back of her fingers.

David looks at Marla's finger then he took out his phone. He dials Marla's number and calls her.

Marla confused. She looks at her phone screen.

'David Jaturapoom is calling'.
Then it turns to be another miscall.

Marla slowly looks at David.

David heaved a sigh and put his phone down. Then he takes Marla's phone and show Marla her recent calls.

1 miscall from 'Davis Jaturapoom'.
1 miscall from 'Agent 007–James Bond'.
1 miscall from 'Bear Bob'.

"You put sweet name to your bestfriend." David said coldly. "And I get my full name for you to save my phone number?"

Marla blinks. She looks at her phone screen. Then she looks at David.
David looks back at her with cold eyes. Looked like he really mad about this.

Really? That was just Caller ID.
And she saved their names like that since highschool and never change it again since.

"I... was changed Bob's name to Bear Bob when I was teasing him during highschool. When he got his nickname because he was fat and have a dark tone skin." Marla explains.

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