Carter and jessie break up.

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Carter says Jessie I need to talk to you

Jessie says ok.

Carter says I was dating Kate it was a secret I'm sorry Jessie I don't have feelings for you.

Jessie runs to Matt room.

Jessie says Matt carter played me and Kate.

Matthew says I'm sorry.

She get in the bed and lays with Matthew.

Matt thought she was asleep and he says I love you I wish you could be mine and I treat you better princess.

Jessie says I will be yours and that why I like every thing about you you're smile and your laugh.

Matthew says will you be my girlfriend.

Jessie says million times yes.

He smiles and kiss Jessie on the four head.

Carter comes in and says Kate I need to tell you something .

Kate says ok.

Carter says I was dating you and Jessie at the same time.

Kate says why would you do that you such a asshole I never like you and you don't treat a girl like that.

I start to cry.

Carter says I love you Kate.

Kate says you never loved me you hated me since I meet you I want to die.

I slap carter across the face.

I started to close my eyes and everything went black.

I woke up to Aron yelling Kate Kate Kate Kate answer me now Kate Kate I love you don't leave me.

He is crying his eyes out the other boys get him off me.

Carter pick me up and put me in a car.

They drive to the hospital.

Aron says she won't wake up.

We get to a room and I'm on the bed.

The doctor says she will be fine just let her rest.

Carter says Kate forgive me please I just want to be friends.

He walk out.

Aron says Kate I love you and always will.

Kate says I will always love you to.

He look up and smiles.

Kate says but Aron I'm leaving tomorrow to go back to New York.

He get up mad look on his face and the boys follow they all leave me and I stuck here alone.

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