[ Chapter 1 ]

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Oh ho ho? Another book?
This one is sure to be more original, because I have written the plot, and the AU itself.
Not the charaters! But the AU/Plot itself.
I'm excited! I hope you guys are too!
Anyway please enjoy, FallenPetals.


Echo sat up slowly, softly reaching up to the buckle that held his straight jacket tight to his neck. His neck was practically begging to be scratched at..but the tight belt that was fastened around his neck, just tight enough he couldn't slip his fingers under it, but just loose enough to not choke him. The sleeves were tightly sewn shut, so he could have his hands free, but couldn't scratch.

His straight jacket had been specially designed for him, due to him scratching his bones raw. He had even clawed away at old scars until they opened back up. It was a bad habit of his. Most of the time he wasn't even doing it on purpose, but when he slipped deep into thought it just seemed to happen.

He just...couldn't seem to remember anything about himself. From as far as he knew, he woke up in a pile of rubble..without a clue of how he got there, or who he was. Even his own name..

One of the largest reasons he was here, was because he had to learn to do most things all over again, from speaking to reading, even some emotions. Not to mention the fact that he had taken out forgetting on himself. He could even remember his brother, or his apparent son! It just tore Echo to peices.

He knew his name wasn't always Echo, but Sci began to calling that soon after the flowers started breaking the surface of his smooth bones. Hearing his original name always made him go into shock. He would lay on his bed with his hands over his 'ears' in silence, unmoved. Sometimes it lasted hours..days even. It just hurt him too much.

Echo rubbed his eyesockets, letting out a soft yawn. He blinked the tiredness away and scanned his pale room. The only thing that wasn't a mind numbing white was his bedspread. He had begged Sci, again and again to get him something, anything to make his room less empty feeling, maybe even a little home like, instead of a holding place... So Sci had given him cream bedspread, with little blue stars littering it's fabric.

He giggled, pulling the blanket up over his shoulders, pulling it close to his body. Soon Echo's attention was turned to the glass wall, seeing two figuring conversating. One was a tall skeleton wearing a neon orange hoodie, while the other was obviously his caretaker Sci. Due to the glass being sound proof he couldn't hear their voices, but he could see that the really tall one was using angry gestures.

Echo curiously jumped up off the bed, keeping the blanket on his shoulders. He walked to the glass until he was practically pushing his face against it. This seemed to have caught the eye of the one wearing orange and his eyes shot down to Echo.

His eyesockets were dark, and had dark circles under them as well. He had a cigarette between his teeth, and a sorrowful look on his face. For a moment Echo pressed his hands to the glass, frantically trying to wave to the stranger.

But his expression didn't change, and Sci put a hand on his shoulder. Echo tilted his skull, slowly lowering his hands from the glass. Why was this stranger so sad? Did he know him? Why didn't he wave back? Was he a friend of Sci's? All of these questions filled his little skull with the upmost curiousness.

But soon Echo felt a prick at the back of his neck, causing him to glance about. That's when he noticed the small child that stood beside the tall one wearing the hoodie. He shyly hugged the strangers leg, his eyes soft, yet wide with curiousity. Echo excitedly gave a wave, in which slowly the child smiled a little. He even began to raise his hand to wave back, until the stranger looked down at the child. This caused them to stuff their hand back in their pocket, and their unsure frown to return.

Echo frowned, looking to Sci. He put out his hand, in which the stranger put the shiny circles in, and then grabbed the child's hand. While trying to remember what the shiny circles were called, he didn't notice the stranger leave, and Sci beginning to unlock his room.

Echo eagerly ran over awaiting Sci's entrance. But once the door opened, the look he had..Echo didn't expect it. "Mr. Sci? Who were those people??" His skull tilted to the side, his eyesockets wide, the lights within them shining brightly with curiousity.

"No one important Echo..j-just..clients is all." Sci smiled softly, putting a gentle hand out to ruffle his patients skull. "Ready for breakfast, and morning meds?" Echo nodded, taking Sci's empty hand and nodding excitedly. "As long as I get to have Fruit Loops again!" The Docter chuckled softly at Echo's childish mindset. "Of course. Come along now, we can't be late."

Echo giggled as he was lead down the hallways of the care taking center.

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