Moms on a hunting trip

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Deanna (deans) pov: (2 weeks before mom goes missing)

        "Mom you can't go alone"
"Deanna, this is un negotiable. Your staying here!" Mom argues with me. "Fine but if you need help call me immediately" I warned. "I will Deanna. Bye" and with that she grabbed her bag and left.

May 6th, 2003

It was a few days before she got back. She's hunting the thing that killed dad. It's some kind of demon, with yellow eyes or something. I went into her Journal.

(1 week before she goes missing)
May 14th , 2003
Moms going on another hunting trip. She says she's really close to finding the demon.

May 25th, 2003
Mom hasn't been home in a few days. I think it's time to find Samantha.


Samantha's (sams) pov:

I woke up to a loud banging on the front door. I looked over and jessi (idk what jesses genderbent name is) was still asleep. I got up and went to open the door.
"Deanna. What the hell are you doing here at 1 in the morning?!" I whisper yelled.

"Moms on a hunting trip and hasn't been home in a few days"


Sorry  this chapter is so short. I will make the next one longer, I promise. But I hope y'all enjoy this story. I'm not good at writing🤷🏻‍♀️ but I'll try my best. I l love yall!!


Word count: 232

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 04, 2018 ⏰

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