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A/N So from here on out I'll be starting chapters out like this.. Oh and go check out my new fanfic "Wrong Number Dude" It's a Taekook fanfiction. 💜

Previously on Infatuation
Grayson and Ezra lands in Seoul ..
Jungkook walks in on Elle and Tae.
Elle gets the pregnancy tests to find out the results and shows Taehyung.
Let's not forget about the unknown character that was mentioned awhile ago .
This all happens on INFATUATION♡


Grayson's POV
"Finally we here! "I exclaimed as I fell on to the bed
"Yes finally the flight seemed like forever." Ezra said and fell on the bed next to me
"Well let's rest up to get the jet lag away. "
" Yep tomorrow is going to be an eventful day."


"Ezra Kim Evans get up! "I yelled into her ear
" Urgh I'm still tired go away. "She shoves me and shuts her eyes tightly
" It's already 1 o' clock in the afternoon and we need to get going. "I shout but she doesn't even flinch

I have to get her up. I didn't bring her all this way for nothing.
So I guess I have to be the mean best friend and wake her up the harsh way.
I went to the kitchen and grab a bucket of water. Once I gather it I immediately throw it on her face not having a care in the world if her hair gets wet or if I wet the hotels bed

"WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU?! "She yells and it seems as if the steam is coming out of her head.
" You had it coming seeing you didn't wanna get up. "I shrugged and turned on the TV acting like I did nothing
" Grayson motherfucking Pierce you dead meat. "She mumbled to herself
I felt sorry for her so I got up and handed her a towel so that she could dry up
" Here you-"I get cut off by the weird sensation at my lower part
"Karmas 's a bitch. "Ezra smirks as she once again kicks me in my area
" Ezra why the FUCK would you do that? "I yell as I'm holding area for dear life at the amount of pain I'm feeling
"Never ever fucking wake me up from my beauty sleep Dick head!" Ezra shouts at me and goes to shower
"BITCH! "I yell at back at her

I sit down and the feeling goes away from what Ezra just did.

I start to recollect the thoughts I have going on in my mind.
I don't even have her address.
Does she have a boyfriend?
Is this all going to be for nothing?
Will she forgive me?

All these thoughts once again ran through my head until I got knock out of it when Ezra rentered the room.

"Sorry for kicking you earlier. "Ezra whispered and looked a bit guilty for what she had done
" It's fine Kim. I'm sorry for throwing water in his face it wasn't called for. "I feel a bit guilty for what I did too
A smile slowly forms on her face  and she makes grabbie hands
" Aww you said sorry and called me by my second name. "She pulled me into a tight hug and we made up

We never can stay long cross at each other.
Our friendship has always been like this, one moment we cross each other then afterwards we good with each other.
Then again I wouldn't wanna lose her as a friend.
We basically like family and she knows too much already.

"So Gray you ready to face the music? "Ezra asks as she finishes up with her hair
" Urm the thing is I don't have her address. "I say and scratch the back of my head
"Oh my God Gray!How we going to get to her then?"
"I don't know but I have a plan don't worry. "
" So you going to tell me or what?"
"I tell you that later. Firstly are you okay with seeing Elle? I mean you guys weren't really on good terms. "I say remembering the whole situation that happened a few years back

" Elle why's you tricking him with this innocent girl act? We all know that you just with him for a popular status in the school. "Ezra yelled across the campfire
" Coming from the girl whose been jealous of me ever since I got with Gray who in fact have feelings for him and should just drop the best friend act. "Elle retorts
" Girls enough now. Why you guys bickering for the dick? "Jin yells and raises his hands in the air
" His not a dick Jin! "They yell together in unison
" Look Elle just admit it already. You with him for the status. "
" I won't stand to be treated like this. Gray you not even standing up for me. I'm leaving. Alice, Jin let's go. "She says infuriated
" Right behind you. "They said in unison
As they get up to leave Ezra stops them dead in their tracks
" Look bitch I'm tired of you playing my best friend with your sweet talks. Tell the truth and I mean the whole truth. Spill the beans now! "Ezra yelled and pushed Elle
"Never ever get up in my face. I have nothing to say so bitch please step to the side." Elle says with a sick smile and starts to clench her fists
"Make me. "Ezra teases
Elle throws a punch to her face which breaks her nose and Ezra then pulls Elle's hair.

Jin and I tried to break up the cat fight whereas Alice just cheered on Elle throughout the fight.

Ezra ended up with a broken nose and bruised leg whereas Elle just got her arms and legs bruised but seemed to be unharmed.

*End of Flashback *

Present day
I hope nothing like that happens now.
"Well I'm not entirely okay with the whole plan in seeing that idiot but I can deal. Then again I'm in this because I support you and not because I want to become bffs with her. "Ezra explains and as she applies on makeup
" Well thank you for supporting me. It means a lot seeing you don't really like her. "
" What are best friends for then if I don't support you? I'll always support you remember that. "She smiles and briefly hugs me

We finish up and leave the hotel room.
Once we reach the lobby I wasn't looking where I was going and so I clashed with someone.
" I'm so sorry sir let me help-"I was cut off at the familiar face in front of me

"Jin? "

End of chapter 💜

Hey lovely readers
New character Well he was mentioned before but now he made an official appearance.
This wasn't the best chapter but it was almost like another filler just to keep up with Grayson seeing I haven't mentioned them for awhile so yeah
Also I'll be updating more now seeing I wanna get this book finish because like I mentioned before I'm also busy with another fanfic..
Elle is a bad ass Hey?
She broke her nose with one punch just like that jugsysvst
I'm done😁😅
Don't forget to vote and comment 💜
I purple you all💜
LastChang04 💜

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