im sorry jack part two

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Carly pov
The elevator doors open and we rush out to a docter looking over some papers. She notices us. "Where's Ropo?" cap asks. The docter frowns. "He's in room 232. He's in a coma. We don't know how long he's gonna be like that for." she explains. Tears perk in all our eyes. The minevengers nod and cap gets a call. Fury wants them back at HQ and they leave, leaving me, Kelly, jack and chloe, but chloe looks at the time and she leaves as well. The docter says sorry and walks away. We walk to his room and notice a girl in a black and green hoodie sitting outside. She's noticeably a lot younger than us. Like about 14.

(A/N-pretend the wings arnt there and her hair is black that fades to green and her hat is backwards)

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(A/N-pretend the wings arnt there and her hair is black that fades to green and her hat is backwards)

The girl notices us and gets angry. Stands up and walks up to.........jack? "Why?" she asks quietly. "Huh" jack says confused.  She looks up at him angrily with tears in her eyes. "Why did you say those things to him? He didn't know it was her brother. He didn't know and yet he's the worst person in the world. Ever heard of for give and forget?! He wouldn't be like this if it wasn't for you"she exclaims angrily. We're taken by surprise by this. She pulls out a pocket knife and points it towards jack. "Your lucky Ropo still cares for you other wise your dead" she says and puts the pocket knife back in her pocket and walks off. We look back at her and she looks back. She sends jack death glares and walks away. We walk in Ropos room and see him connected to a machine giving him oxygen. He had bandages wrapped along his arms and hands. Jack goes and sits beside him. "Ropo im so sorry. I didn't want any of this to happen. Please forgive me. Please come back. I'm sorry I yelled at you, saying your a freak and a monster. I didn't mean it. Please for the love of god come back. I'm sorry" jack apologizes. We look to the floor but then. "Uh-" we hear groaning. We look and see ropo slowly opening his eyes. He looks around weakly and locks eyes with jack. Jack is surprised and hugs ropo. "I heard you" ropo says quietly and very weak. "Its ok, I forgive you Jack" ropo smiles weakly at jack, sitting up a bit. Ropo breathes heavily and lays down and closes his eyes. "Ropo?" Jack asks.

Beep. Beep. Beep. Beeeeeeeeeeeeeee

We all look in shock and in tears as ropo stops breathing and goes limp. "Ropo" Kelly says through her tears. I pull her into a hug and we cry on each others shoulders.

Jack pov
I hear Kelly and Carly crying in the background. Ropo just died right in front of me. His dying words were 'i forgive you jack'. Tears stream down my face and I hug Ropo's limp body. "Ropo please don't leave me" I cry. I hear the door open and close. "What's going o- oh my god" I hear someone says. They pull me off and examine ropo. Its the docter from before. She stops and a single tear falls down her face.  She pulls the sheet on ropo over his head. "I'll give you all a minute" she says and walks out. Kelly and Carly still crying. I can't believe he's gone.

Time skip to midnight

I can't sleep. I'm still thinking about ropo. I pull my legs to my chest and cry into my knees. "Jack" someone whispers. It sounds like ropo but he's gone. "I'm not. Look at me" I hear someone say. I look up and my eyes widen. Its ropo! But he looks burnt and smoky and........transparent? "Ropo?" I ask. He smiles and nods. I jump and hug him, wrapping my arms around him. He's surprised but hugs back. We pull apart and look each other in the eyes. "How?" I ask, tears still on my face. "Im a shadow" he says. "Yep" I hear a familiar girl say. I look behind me and see the girl from before and her hands are glowing green. She walks towards us and hugs ropo who hugs her back. "I'm not losing my figurative brother" she mumbles. I'm confused and ropo notices. "We're not really related but we know each other well enough that we're kinda like siblings. So she's my figurative sister and I'm her figurative brother. And its like midnight. Hailey you better go home and to bed" ropo says and the girl nods. With a snap of her fingers, shes gone. (A/N-kinda like half of the universe in infinity war. "Mr.Stark I don't feel so good"). I look back at ropo and start crying again he wipes my tears away with his thumb and smiles warmly. "Its ok jack" he says. "No its not. I'm the reason your like this. If I had just-" i get cut off as ropo hugs me. He looks me in the eyes. "Its not your fault. Don't ever say that again. Its ok. I forgive you. Its not your fault. Please don't blame yourself" he says. I nod. "Please don't leave again" I tell him. He nods and smiles. "Just say my name and I'll be there ASAP" he says and fades away. I reach for him but he's gone. 'Remember he said that if I say his name, he'll be here ASAP' I remember. I smile and lay back down on the bed. 'Ropo' was my last thought and I fall asleep.
Hope you enjoyed. Bye💜

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 09, 2018 ⏰

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