The Beginning

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Cole POV

I was walking, which is all I really ever seem to do, I walk just like the others around me except they're moving their heads around looking out for any of the living but I'm not, I'm just walking and their following. I don't remember much of my life and the memories I do have are fuzzy. But one memory is strong in my mind it was when I became what I am now, let me tell you how it happened.


Cole POV

"They're right behind us keep running!" I yelled to the others running in front of me. We were a tight knit group of survivors living in an abandoned hospital, it was actually pretty safe and there was plenty of food and supplies to last us. That is until one of my fellow survivors was too damn loud at the doors and attracted a nearby horde now we're running from said horde that had been attracted by his yelling. "Quick the doors just past this turn!" I said turning and seeing the door and pulling it open for my friends, I waited until everyone was in then started to go in myself when I heard a groan and one of those fuckers bit down on the right side of my neck. "Aaaaaaahhhhhhh!!!!" I screamed in pain as I called for my friends "help me, help me guys" and my best friend in the group boon looked at me and said "no one can help you now" and he closed the door, looking me in the eyes until the door was closed and locked. I then pushed the fucker of me ran into a nearby room slammed the door and locked it, only then did I notice that there was no other exit. I just stood there in disbelief and shock slowly falling to my knees in sadness and despair, tears streaming down my face as I faced my soon to be demise turning into one of . . . THEM. I fell onto my side and as I started to black out I thought how. . . How could they leave me?

Flashback end

And that's how I became what I am now gray skin and completely white eyes, a zombie. But the weirdest thing was that zombies well, from my experience about them, were mindless killing machines but I wasn't I still had my mind and I still acted as I usually do just being myself. It was great but this doesn't really help me with talking to other survivors, in fact it worsens it they just think I'm some new type of zombie. One that can talk like a nightmare but doesn't look like one, so it can get close to them I've been shot, stabbed, beaten, punched, kicked, and one time they even ran me over with a truck, repeatedly! But another weird thing is that the wounds just healed, I don't even get how that works with me being dead and all. But I've learned to just except it because not much really surprises me anymore. I kept walking with the others but they were really just following me. Why they were following me, well I'm not really sure it just started one day when a bandit shot me through the knee and I screamed then dozens of them came running like someone rang the dinner bell and ate the bandits, about 18 of them have followed me around ever since, and since then I've categorized myself as a screamer considering how loud my scream was. Any way after a few more minutes of walking we finally got home or what I call my home which was a small military outpost, no one was there as they had all left in a big hurry. I looked into one room, because they had left a lot of their gear behind like a lot of explosives and weapons along with the ones that I had taken from bandit groups that had 'tried' to kill me but failed horribly. So I took their gear and put it in this storage room with all the other stuff, it was locked of course and I always had the key on me. Since I found out that I couldn't feel pain I'd torn open my shoulder and had put the key into the wound so I wouldn't drop it or misplace it. I didn't want others taking the supplies and because I knew that the wound would heal around the key and it took a lot of hard work taking multiple trips collecting all the stuff. Even with all the bandits I had killed there were still at least over 2 dozen camps in the city both bandit and survivor but mostly survivor. I walked away from the storage after locking it and stowing the key. I walked outside where my horde was waiting for me and I closed the door and heard the multiple clicks as it locks. It was impossible to get in without the code which was told to me by a dying soldier who thought I was human. I looked up at the sky and thought welp another day here I come.

Time skip midnight

I was walking around a park that actually still looked pretty nice when I heard a loud thump and I looked to where the sound came from.

"Hello cole." Said the 9 foot alpha nightmare I knew as, well he doesn't have a name so I call him alpha, long dirty claws on his hands and feet, 3 inch long teeth and rotten skin, glowing orange eyes and his mouth opened wider on account of his cheeks being slit open as part of the process of becoming an alpha nightmare.

"Hey" I said "can I help you with something?"

"I hope you can, I need your help taking down a group of survivors that are going to destroy one of our main nests the night after tomorrow and that night is when we plan make new nightmares to balance out the ones they killed last week. So tomorrow we plan to destroy their base before they can attack and as powerful as we nightmares are we can't fight under a constant barrage of bullets. So we need you to get a massive horde to the base so that we can destroy it easily."

"I can have all the stuff in the base?"

"You can have all but on thing" he said.


"This group has been researching us and is developing easier ways to kill us."

"That's not good."

"No it's not."

"Where's the base?"

"One of the nightmares will take you there and you will have one hour to gather a big enough horde understand?"

"Got it I'll see you then."

"Bye" He said jumping into the darkness.

He's not so bad, for an alpha nightmare anyway, don't go getting the wrong idea he's not like me he didn't stay himself when he turned what I was talking to was the Alpha nightmare at the top of the zombie social ladder with normal walker zombies at the bottom, runners above them and normal nightmares and screamers are on the same level and alpha nightmares are at the top of the social ladder.But he's asked for my help in a few things every once in a while like helping protect their nests when needed or as I was just informed getting rid of groups that threaten their nests. Of course a threat to the nests is a threat to all zombie kind all zombie types either are from people who become infected or are grown and born in the nests. So you threaten a nest all zombies will rise up to destroy you and even if their miles away they all know when a nest is being attacked and will run at top speed to get there. Anyway I better plan out how I'm going to gather enough zombies in an hour before the attack and get there in time for the attack. I was also wondering what kind of stuff I could get from this base and dreading having to carry it all back and forth from the base to home. I then started walking back home to prepare for the attack.

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