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Year 1790; Lorraine, France

PRINCESS ANGÉLIQUE was under her velvet sheets, eating her favourite breakfast dish at bed like she did every day. Her maid was picking out a dress for her when they heard the Queen's imposing footsteps on the big cement stairs of the palace. The princess was worried, her mother would never visit her room at that time of the day. Something wasn't right, she could feel it.

The large wooden door of her bedroom opened to reveal Queen Marguerite. Her face looked calm but Angela could notice the worried look in her eyes. Now she knew for sure that something was wrong.

"Good morning darling", the Queen said in a monotonous voice

"Good morning mother", the girl replied

"What is going on?", she asked

"Me and your father want to talk to you. Please be downstairs in a minute", the Queen said and instantly left without waiting for an answer

Angela didn't know what to think.

She quickly got dressed and went downstairs where she found her father and her mother sitting in the colossal living room.

Angela knew that whatever was going on was serious- and even her parents were afraid to tell her.  She sat on the soft, made of silk sofa and waited for one of parents to speak.

Her father Henry IV was a very wealthy man. He belonged in the house of Bourbon, meaning that he was very wealthy with a lot of power. His character was adaptable and very considerate. He was the best king this kingdom could ask for. He married her mother when they were 20 with an arranged marriage. He didnt love her then but he was a king and he had to make this marriage work. But more than anything, he loved his only daughter. Maybe he loved her so much that there are no words to describe it. He always made sure she was happy and trust me, he was always able to do it. But this time, he wasn't. And that was killing him in the inside.

"Angélique", her farther started and looked at her sadly

"Yes father?", Angela replied with a frown

"Since you were a little girl we taught you that you were going to be a Queen someday. And now the time has passed, you are 23 and soon you will need to rule a kingdom", the King said

"But father", Angela interrupted

"I am not married yet, how can I rule a kingdom alone?", she asked confused

"Let me finish Angélique", he told her

"You can't rule a kingdom alone. And it's very important that you have a right man by your side"

"That's why we arranged you a marriage", he said and looked on the floor

He couldn't face her. He knew it was right to force her marry someone she didn't love. He loved her way too much to do it. But he had no other choice.

Angela however was speechless. She couldn't believe that her parents would do something like that to her. It was HER life. Not theirs. They couldn't make her marry someone just because they wanted to. It was too unacceptable to handle.

"I can't believe this", Angela yelled

"How can I marry someone if I don't know them? Why do you do this to me? Why?", she continued to yell

Her eyes were full of anger and there was a fire burning inside her. The only thing she didn't want was to be forced to do things. And that's what her parents were doing right now.

"Angélique darling please listen", her mother said trying to calm her down

Marguerite of Valois, being part of a very strong family, wasn't asked who she wanted to marry. Understanding the situation, she just did it for the good of the country. That is why she couldn't understand the reason Angela was upset. It would happen sometime, after all.

"No mother, I won't", she said and run to her room

She shut the door and feel at the bed. It was too bad to happen.

She took a piece of paper and a pen and she decided to write a letter to write a letter to her cousin, Ana Paolà Yotún. Ana was the princess of Auvergne in France and their fathers were brothers. They were very close even tho they were living very far away.

Dear Ana,

Hello, how are you? It's been some time since we last talked. How is Gabriel and Natalie? What about uncle Ryan of the Bourbons? Well, I hope everyone is fine. I am writing to tell you about my problem.

My mother and my father announced me today that they have arranged a marriage for me. They say that he is a nice Prince but I don't know him or where he is from. What if he is a selfish guy that wants the worst for my kingdom? What if I suffer for the rest of my life? Please write me back soon, I don't know what to do.

Je t'aime beaucoup.

Au revoir,

The girl sealed the letter and left it on her desk so as to send it later.

She sat on her bed and started to think. If she had no choice, she would marry that guy anyway. At least she hoped that he was cute. Girls will always be girls.


I know i know that the story hasn't started yet and it's boring but it will be interesting on the next chapter. I love you all, thank you guys for reading❤

royals; james rodríguez interactiveWhere stories live. Discover now