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The blinding light taunted my closed eyelids, forcibly making me blink a few times, squinting my eyes as I've finally opened them.

Focusing my vision I then instinctually moved my arm to shield my eyes from the burning light, only to be suddenly greeted by a vast sea of green.

Tall trees and freshly trimmed grass surrounded me from every angle, blinking a few times as I simply stared, completely dumbfounded.

How the hell did I get here?

I anxiously wracked my brain as I struggled to remember my last conscious memory, gazing around at the oddly familiar space, feeling the thin specks of grass gently tickle my skin as I unconsciously made a few steps forward, suddenly taking a halt to look at my feet, only then noticing they were completely bare.

What the...?

Hastily taking a look at my entire outfit I then ultimately noticed I was actually wearing only a pair of large grey pajama pants and a simple white t-shirt, the whole "attire" making me feel like a mental institution patient.

"Okay, what the hell is going on here?" I mumbled mostly to myself as I frantically looked around, feeling like the subject of a very stupid joke.

"Katie?" I called out, slightly quickening my pace as I aimlessly walked around, gradually feeling even more and more scared as I couldn't see or hear anyone. Or anything for that matter.

Straining my ears to hear anything at all, I even held my breath for a moment, shocked to notice the eerily silence surrounding me.

Not a single sound.

Not even a freaking bird.

My lips escaped a shaky breath as I desperately turned around, already feeling so lost and scared, completely failing to understand why was I here or how.

What happened to me?

Why am I here?

What is this place?

Various questions swarmed inside my mind as I've started walking once again, a tiny flicker of hope igniting inside of me as I thought that if I'd reach the end of this damned maze, then maybe I could find someone, anyone who could help me get back home.



"Is anyone out there?"

Once again I was greeted with utter, complete and terrifying silence, the air propelling itself out of my lungs in short breaths as I was already feeling a massive panick attack threatening to take over my entire body, small tears gathering at the corners of my eyes, lightly blurring my vision, almost failing to notice the outline of a seemingly masculine silhouette sitting on an old bench, back-facing me, just few feet away from where I was currently situated.

Not even bothering to waste a single second or even think for that matter I bolted straight towards it, almost tripping over my own feet as I took a forced halt right next to it, taking a deep breath as I took a better look at the person currently occupying the bench, a loud gasp escaping my lips as those bright blue eyes finally met mine, for a moment leaving me completely speechless.

"You!" I finally managed to squeak out, like a small child pointing an accusatory finger at him, so many thoughts and questiong now swarming inside my mind like a violent storm, and before I could even say another word or react my brain suddenly shut down, sending me in a dark abyss.


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