Canzoni preferite di FNaF?

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Ariete: Break My Mind, I Got No Time, It's Time to Die, Springtrap's Sorrow
Capricorno: Just Gold, Survive The Night, Follow Me, Balloons
Cancro: Five Nights at Freddy's, it's been so long, Die In a Fire, I Got no Time
Pesci: Stay Calm, It's me, Balloons, Break My Mind
Acquario: Join Us For a Bits, Hide and Seek, Funtime Dance Floor, You can't hide
Toro: No More, Our Little Horror Story, Let Me Trhrough, It's Me
Saggittario: You can't hide, it's time to die, just gold, balloons
Scorpione: Stay Calm, Our Little Horror story, It's me, Five Nights at Freddy's
Bilancia: Springtrap's sorrow, you can't hide, I'm the purple guy, No More
Gemelli: It's me, Just gold, balloons, Hide and Seek
Vergine: Springtrap's Sorrow, Break my mind, I Got No Time, I'm the purple guy
Leone: Afton Family, let me throught, Funtime Dance Floor, Follow Me

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Hello! Comunque vi adoro troppo perchè ogni volta che commentate mi fate morire dalle risate.

Quale di queste ho azzeccato nel vostro segno? xD

Oroscopo FNaFDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora