ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 𝔣𝔦𝔳𝔢

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Koushi decided that standing in front of the auditorium doors was probably the most stressful thing he'd done all day

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Koushi decided that standing in front of the auditorium doors was probably the most stressful thing he'd done all day.

Breathing in and holding onto his currently nonexistent courage, he raised a hand to knock right as the doors swung open.

"Oh." (Y/n) blinked up at him, falling short. "Suga. I was just coming to see you right now."

He shook his head, smiling reassuringly. "That's alright. Practice let out early for the day anyways," he waved away, soft laughter laced with nervousness. "Then, shall we head off now?"

She hefted her shoulder bag, returning his smile with a bright one of her own. "Absolutely. Do you have anywhere in mind?"

Contemplating as he bit his lip, he shook his head. "Not really," he answered. "And I guess the library is already closed by now."

Humming in acknowledgment, she scrunched up her nose, looking to be running through a mental list of plausible destinations. Koushi prayed that their study date wasn't already headed for a disaster.

All of a sudden, she snapped her fingers, eyes lighting up. "Have you ever been to Procaffeination? That cafe a couple of blocks away from here?" she questioned.

"Is it the one across the street from Hideyoshi Park?" he furrowed his eyebrows, struggling to recall.

She nodded in confirmation, and once he'd consented to walking there, the pair was off on their way.

(Y/n) had a fast pace for walking, he noticed, feeling rather glad for his athleticism as they rounded the corner. In hindsight, he should have expected her speed since she always seemed to be rushing to get somewhere.

"You're a very busy person, huh, (L/n)?" he brought up.

Gaze flitting to him, she nodded after a moment of pondering. "I guess," she conceded, shrugging. "But then again, so are you."

He chuckled. "Yeah, but I'm not always running around. You constantly seem to be hurrying to get somewhere or the other. It's also probably why you walk so fast."

"Wait," she held up a finger. "All I'm getting from this conversation is that I'm walking too fast and ought to slow down." He laughed as she shot him an apologetic grin, the both of them adjusting their paces to a slower speed, as they fell into step. "Also, it's because I like being busy. Not academically, unfortunately, but in that I like participating in a bunch of extracurriculars."

"Really?" His eyebrows rose in interest.

She scoffed, waving a hand in a careless fashion. "Nothing sporty, of course. I know my limits, and as fate would have it, I happen to be athletically challenged," (Y/n) informed. "I do participate in the plays, charity events, festivals, and the quizzes and debates I manage to get selected for."

Amazed, he whistled lowly. "That's a lot on your plate, (L/n)," Koushi noted. "I admire you for not having broken down yet."

Tucking a stray bit of (h/c) hair behind her ear from where it escaped her neat hairdo, she tilted her head. "I mean, I avoid pretty much everything whenever our exams are approaching. Plus, I'm a little too used to doing my schoolwork last minute anyways, so it's not that bad," she replied. "You can just call me (Y/n), by the way. Hearing my last name all the time feels a little weird if I'm being honest."

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