Chapter 1- Murmurs

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The new and improved!!! Vote, comment, love!!!!

“Tad, we need to talk.”

Thaddeus looked up at Regina and raised an eye-brow.  “What, hungry for more already?”  The sheets were a puddle on the floor.  The pillows were- uh, where? Oh, there, half toppled into the closet across the room.  The Asian themed curtains his wi- uh, Xing Xing had decorated their room with were drawn tight.

He looked over at the clock on the table next to his king-sized bed.  It read 2:23am in day-glow green numbers.  The only light in the room spilled out of the open bathroom door where his new bride-to-be now stood toweling off her hair.  Thaddeus pulled his hands back from behind his head and propped himself up on his elbows to get better look at her.  Delicious.

Regina giggled and swished her hips a little provocatively. She thought how easy it was to wrap this man around her littlest finger.  And she fully intended to.

“So you wanna…” Thaddeus let the words trail off suggestively for just a moment, “talk mmh? Is that code-speak by any chance for another round?”

Thaddeus watched as this gorgeous red-haired goddess of a woman skipped lightly to the bed before lightly pouncing up onto it.  ‘Uhggggggh!  There I go again!  This woman will be the death of me,’ he thought as he watched some of her perfectly formed curves bounce with her.

The corner of Regina’s pouty little mouth tipped up slightly as she noticed his situation.  For just a moment she ran her perfectly-manicured blood-red nails down his bare chest, just hard enough to sting a little. She couldn’t have him paying more attention to her words than to her intentions toward his body now could she?  Best to have her man so focused on her fingers and mouth that it didn’t matter what came out of them right?

Sitting back abruptly, she tossed her long hair back over her exquisite shoulder.  “I’m serious, Tad.  I have something important that I want to talk to you about.”   Regina smirked a little when she caught Thaddeus’ eyes follow her hair back over her shoulder and then linger on her shoulder. Perve, she thought.

Thaddeus shook his head to clear it of the image of his fiancee’s milky white shoulder.  Oh well, a man can hope can’t he? “What is it, dear?” he could hear his voice sliding out with a sigh.  Let’s get this over with.  He reached for an errant curl and started twirling it around on the skin of her collarbone.

“Well,” she stuttered out as she tried not to moan, “It’s about Xue.”

Xue? She wants to talk about Xue? Well splash some cold water and throw in an ice-cube or two!

Regina, sighed and gave up her perusal of her hands and speared him with an intense gaze.  “The child has not left her room since we came home yesterday,” she whined while reaching for his shoulders and pushing him back down on the bed, “I think she needs to come out.  It’s unnatural.”

“Regina, it’s 2:30 in the morning.  Her mother just died.  Give her some time. Ok?” I said with another sigh. 

Her mother.  ‘When did my beautiful Xing Xing become just my daughter’s mother?’ Thaddeus thought.

As if sensing the mood in the room Regina made a snap change of disposition and practically purred as she slid her body against his.  No WAY was she going to let his thoughts dwell on that brat.  Best to pick the battlefields in advance along with the battles, this obviously wasn’t the time.  “Let’s not worry about it right now then, but just keep an eye on her, Tad.  I wouldn’t want her to become a sociopath or something.” 

Thaddeus laid back and sighed, ‘what is with all the sighing?’   He wrapped Regina in his arms and held on.  Soon the blessed oblivion of sleep overtook his frazzled nerves.  Thank God I have Regina.


Ok, so update? Yeah… I know, I changed the POV back to 3rd person so I could sneak in some of Regina’s thought processes.  I think I like this much better.  What do you think?

If my pre-rewrite edit missed any first person pronouns PLEASE LET ME KNOW!!!

As always, peace, love, and comments!!


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