Chapter 1

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The smell of sweat and cheap perfume fills my nose; clinging to each other like the men grabbing  on to the laughing serving wenches. Shaking my head in disgust, I lift my hand to my head in attempt to alleviate my growing head ache. The sleeve of my cloak sticks to the bar top which is covered drunken spills, crumbs of food, and various body fluids. Sighing, I down the rest of my drink and shove coin at the bartender. Stumbling down from my seat, I keep my hood up and my face down. After pushing my way through some handsy men, I make it to the door and take a second to breathe in the fresh night air. Despite the loud music, shouting men, and the lack cleanup, this was the only bar I went to. The bar keep here was the best one in town; mainly because he kept my mug full, but he also didn't asked questions. Swaying as I walk towards the old, run down barn I usually slept in, I think about my family, today marked the fifth year anniversary of my their unpleasant demise, and here I was drunk off cheap ale, just as I was for the the last four anniversaries.

"Another rough year, aye kid?" A smooth voice sounds next to me.

Nearly jumping out of my skin I stop and turn to him, "You scared the bejesus out of me. Warn a girl next time."

"You look like shit." The smile that usually warms his voice is gone. 

I scoffed back at him, sarcasm dripping from my mouth, "Well that was rude. Plus, I have no idea what you mean. I live in luxury, can't you tell?" Motioning to my dirty clothes and moth eaten cloak. But I know he is right; my hair hasn't been washed in days, maybe weeks at this point, there is a thick layering of dirt coloring my pale face and a remnants of a black eye from a fight a few weeks ago. I do look like shit.  

Clenching my fist, I get in his face, "Well it is pretty rough being a kid out here on your own. And I haven't seen you around to offer any assistance." As I said it, I felt a dark sensation wash over me, so I quickly add, "Not that I don't sincerely appreciate everything that you have done for me in the past. I would have died that first year if you hadn't found me." 

His head droops towards the ground slightly, "I know it has been tough and I'm sorry my presence has been non existent, I have been dealing with some... problems." Suddenly a laugh escapes his lips," But I think I have a plan. I cannot give you any details so don't ask. I do need you to travel up north though if it is going to work."

I start towards the barn again. A pile of hay and sleep were sounding really good now. "So you want me to go north, to no specific destination, with no idea of what I am supposed to be looking for; in an attempt to possibly do what, make my life  a little better?" His hooded face nods. "Are you crazy?" My voice getting louder as we speak. What few people are out stop to look at me as though I'm crazy. I can't blame them though, to them it looks like I am having an argument with myself. 

Mask puts his hand on my shoulder, "Well  you're not going to get very far if everyone thinks your a lunatic. But yes, that is exactly what I want you to do. When I took you under my wing, I promised that I would protect you didn't I? That I would help you get your life back? I told you we would get revenge on those who hurt you and you would live a fulfilling life."

I keep my eyes to the ground, remembering the little girl who was starving and alone, in a town that hated my very existence.  I would have given anything to kill the people who took my life from me and I prayed that if I could just live long enough, get bigger, stronger, that I would hunt them down and end them. That is when Mask appeared, teaching me how to steal food and keep to the shadows. Telling me he would keep me safe from the cruel world around us. 

I just give him a simple nod. He continues, "Then I need you to trust that I know what is best. And no matter what happens don't ever question me. Can you do that?" 

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