Tattoo artist| Xxxtentacion

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Y/n Pov

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Y/n Pov

I sit at the desk answering phone calls and booking people it was a quiet day usually it's hella busy but other days we only book some because shit can be hella stressful and some clients are so annoying and rude and that shit can be so tiring. "Hey Y/n" My coworker/Bestie comes up to me "Ayee was good" I say "Can you do something for me" He asks looking at me "What's up" I ask looking at him "I have to go out my wife ain't feeling well and since she pregnant she's feeling horrible I got one more client could you possibly tattoo him it would take about an our or two" He says looking at me "Is he rude or nice" I ask him "Honest he's the most nicest person you'll ever meet trust me" He says "Okkk I will what's his name" I ask looking back at the computer "Jahseh Onfroy" He says and I type it up looking at the time "ah he'll be here in twenty" I say "Thank you so much I'll pay you back I promise I'll call him when I get in the car and btw have the big room cause he prob be bring his friends and they might want tats" He says while leaving "What!" I say "Byeee" He says smiling at me then closes the door and leaves "Greaaattttt" I say to myself and I look up the tattoo that he is getting and I print it in a couple sizes.

Twenty minutes later or so while I set everything up I hear a whole bunch of loud voices. I walk back into the front to see all the boys "Hi boys I'm guessing you was booked for Cole" I say to them and they all look at me and smile "Yeah and you must be Y/n" A boy with blue dreads says to me "I'm Jah by the way" He says smiling at me "Ah you the one I'm tatting today now imma ask if anyone else getting small tattoos cause Cole says yall like getting little tattoos" I ask and they all nod there head "Haha kk lets get your tattoo started and the boys can see what they want" I say smiling at them "Come follow me"I say and turn back around and I walk into the big room and the boys follow behind me and Jah takes a seat on the chair and I start setting up the ink "Now I always ask this do you want numbing cause it is on your neck" I ask him "Nah I'm good I love pain" He says smiling at me and his eyes shines "Okkk if you need spray or anything just tell me" I say and I take a seat on the chair and I start to place the paper on his neck while he watches thru a mirror "Is that placement good" I ask looking at him "Yeah it's perfect" He says smiling "Alright lets start" I say smiling at him and I grab the needle and dab it in the ink and I start to tattoo his neck.

"Wait wait so all you guys or most of you guys are rappers" I ask "Yeah damn shordy you didn't know" Ski says "Honest I didn't I'm always tattooing or drawing so I don't pay attention" I say laughing making them laugh "God damn you living under a rock" Tank says "Haha I really am to be honest but your music good witch was the carry on one" I ask while I tattoo Jah neck "Mine" Jah says as he close his eyes feeling the pain "Really" I ask shocked "Yeah" He says smiling "You have a beautiful voice" I say smiling at him making him smile "Thank you" He says "How old are you" Trunk asks "Nineteen" I say and Jah looks at me "You young" He says laughing "and how old are you" I ask "twenty" He says laughing "Boy you only a year older then me" I say laughing making everyone laugh.

Finally after about god I don't even know maybe an hour or more I don't even know we all talked so much they we lost track of time. After his a guy name Gazzy wanted a smiley face on his forehead (I know they didn't get the tattoo at the same time but for this Imma make it the same day) "Why the smiley face" I ask him "No idea" He says laughing as I draw on the paper and he looks at it "That's good" He says "alright let's get to doing this" I say and he lays on the chair and he watches as I place it in the middle of his forehead "Is that good" I ask looking at me "Perfect" He says "Black ink" I ask and he nods "Alright" I say and set up another needle and start tattooing "How long you been doing this" Jah asks "Ah this is my second year been doing it since seventeen" I say "I known Cole for a while and he always knew I was good at it so he hired me early" I say and they all stand shock "Your great at tattoos" Tank says smiling at me "I get my arts from my dad my mom I don't I don't know" I say laughing making them laugh "You are hella funny some girls be weirded out that there's so many guys" Trunks says "I have more guy friends then I do girl friends so I'm used to a lot of boys around me" I say making them laugh "Why" Jah says "Why what" I ask "Why so many guy friends" He asks "A lot of girls are back stabbing bitches I only have like four friends that are girls and the rest are guys" I say "Damn that's facts that's facts" Ski says.

I finish up Gazzys tattoo and Jah and Gazzy pay me and all the guys followed me on Instagram and Snapchat and stuffff. I put the money in the case where we put the money when I hear a voice call me "Thanks Y/n" Jah says and I look up "No problem just take care of it" I say smiling "You single" He asks looking at me with a little smile "Yeah" I say "Can I have your number" He asks and looks down "Yeah pass me your phone" I say and he pulls out his phone handing it to me and I put my number it and save it to Tattoo hottie💕😉 and I give it back to him and he smiles at his phone "Aye one more thing you ok if I do a quick video wit you" He asks and I look at him confused "Free promo" He says laughing making me laugh "Sure" I say laughing making him laugh and he starts the video "Ayeeeee follow dis gal up she did my freshhhh asssss new tatttt and she a hottie toooo but guys backkk offf IMMA claim" He says and ends the video "Ah thanks see yeah" He says and leaves. I sit down smiling when my phone blows up with people following me and asking if they can get a tattoo from me and then I get a text "Aye I'll see you tonight don't leave the shop" He texts and I look at the text confused.


I did a couple more tattoos after the boys left and it's now nine and closed up the tattoo store but I stay cleaning and sweeping. Mid sweeping I hear a knock on the door "We closed" I yell and I keep sweeping "Its Jah" He yells back and I smile sightly and I stop sweeping and I walk up to the door to see a smiling Jah and I unlock the door and open the door "I got donuts" He says smiling and I move out of the way and he walks in "Damn it's dark in here" He says "Come there's a tint light in the next room" I say and I locked the door and I walk to the other room and he follows and I take a seat on the chair and he sits next to me "Donut" He asks opening the box "Hell yes" I say and I grab a sprinkle donut and he grabs another sprinkle donut and we eat "Thank you it's been a long ass day" I say laughing making him laugh "I have like 4 more people after y'all left" I say "god damn how do you do it" He asks "Eh I love to draw and I love the back stories on people tattoos" I say smiling "Ah that's true do you ever get rude people" He asks "yeah sometimes but once they have the needle in them they shut up" I say laughing making him laugh.

We finished a couple more donuts and he helped me clean up a little and now I sit on the counter "I need sleep imma head" I say reaching for my stuff behind the counter trying not to fall "Oh boy it's raining out" He says and I look back at the window "Greatt" I say and I look back getting all my stuff when I feel hands on my thighs and I get up and he's in between my thighs "Huh" I say hella confused and he leans in closer and kisses my lips I stay shocked for a second and kiss back and he pulls me closer to him as we make out on the counter and he pulls away "that's why I asked if you was single" He says put his head between my neck and kissing my neck "We gotta go it's late" I say pushing him away and I grab the rest of my stuff and he stands sad and I unlock the doors and he walks out putting his hoodie on and I put my jacket on and put my hood up and I lock the doors as the rain hits me and he starts walking to his car I stare at him for a second "Ayo Jah" I say and he turns around and stops in the middle of the street and I laugh walking up to him. I walk up to him face to face and he stares at his feet "Seee I was always told you shouldn't date your clients even tho Cole said fuck the rule cause he got his client pregnant but I always followed that rule" I say coming even closer to him "Ok" He says as he shuffles his feet "But you are way to attractive to be just my client" I say lifting his chin up with my finger and by now our faces were soaked and we stare at each other "Boy you just gonna stare at me or kiss me" I say smiling making him smile and he pulls me and kiss my lips and I kiss back smiling I place my hand around his neck pulling him closer and we kiss in the rain.


Xxxtentacion and Ski Mask The Slump God imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now