// day 6 Most hated Character //

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Most Hated Character

I told you I would tell those characters I hated so here it is

I don't quite like Mondo but I hate a lot of characters more than him same for Kazuichi and Tenko

I kinda hate Kaede and Sonia but thats only because I felt like I just didn't connect with them like I did everyone else but still alright characters

Now I absolutely despise Komaeda, Kaito and Kiyo. Komaeda's hope talk just got annoying after a while, Kaito is always messing up trials i really wished he was the mastermind be cause imagine the idiot turns out to be the smartest one there and then for Kiyo i don't hate him but the whole sister thing just

I don't think I have to go in depth

Also if you like one of these characters that is completely fine, we are all entitled to our opinions

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