Alternate name for this story is: ohmygoshlexiewhyareyoustartinganotherstoryyouhavetoomanyideasreiginitini'mfuckingseriouswhydoyoudothistoyourself.
But of course, that just doesn't have the same ring to it.
I kid. Sorta.
This is a story I had bouncing around in my mind for about a year and a half, but only started writing about two weeks ago. I just love Supernatural plots. Vampire stuff, tbh, though my tagline should be 'come for the vampires, stay for the werewolves (or witches)' because in most cases I end up liking the other magical beings in a show/tv more than the main vampire characters!
I was wishywashy about if I was going to post if before or after 3x01 aired, but I got a great pre-response to it on Tumblr, and I've actually written about 70 pages, so I'm not in a bad place with this story. But I'm also hardly 3 episodes in so this story is going to be long af.
This is going to be a take on Riverdale if Supernatural/Paranormal elements were added in (Werewolves, Witches, Vampires and etc). I will be literally re-writing the series, but with things changed (as you'll see) which I hope you all enjoy! It's going to be Sweet Pea centric and Betty Cooper centric, as in their POVs will occur the most commonly, and then other people's POVs will pop up when the story demands it. I'm trying to stick to canon in bits as much as I can, so all of the couples that are canon in the show will be canon in some way here, although the 'how' or the 'how long' of it may vary, depending on which directions I choose to take things.
The big inspiration for this story was actually a song they used in the pilot episode for Riverdale 'The Passenger' by Hunter as a Horse. I'd highly suggest looking at the lyrics, as some parts of the upcoming story will follow that ;) It's also where the title of this story comes from!
NOTE: I haven't seen/do not know anything about Sabrina spinoff they're doing. I've in fact very specifically stayed away from looking that world up. I don't know if this is ever going to crossover with it, but the magic rules of things in this universe are not going to be the same, and I'm telling ya'll right off the bat. The mythology is a strange combo of the rules from Twilight (#TeamJacob and I know that ages me immediately, sigh), The Vampire Diaries, Harry Potter, and a smidgen of The Vampire's Apprentice.
I hope you all enjoy!
Sweet Pea killed his first human when he was 9 years old.
And, he knows how that sounds, his 'first' human. Bad.
It's not like he's a serial killer or anything, because, what you have to understand is that killing a human as a human is a very different thing than killing a human as a magical creature. Okay, so it's not great, but Sweet Pea will argue that every kill after that first one is justifiable and he could make you a powerpoint and everything. Well, it's not like he's keeping track of who he killed in a creepy little notebook, but in general, Sweet Pea has a memory for these things. Because, he doesn't like killing humans, but sometimes it's inevitable. There were good reasons for why people after had to die, and if someone is keeping score, maybe those kills should just be wiped from the ledger.
But we're getting ahead of ourselves. We're getting a head of everything, frankly.
At the start, Sweet Pea is nine and he wouldn't have even considered this death his fault, but apparently it is.
Sweet Pea is not a budding psychopath. He didn't go and carve out some junkie's guts with his switchblade just to see what he looked like inside. He didn't set a dude on fire because the flames excited him. He didn't get a gun and try it out on some poor inspecting homeless dude. He wasn't doing it out of malice. In fact, Sweet Pea had been accused of being too 'sweet' (thus, a nickname he'd try to gid rid of but could never shake) and most people lamented that sweet kids from the wrong sides of the tracks hardly ever survived. And, even though he'd heard this, Sweet Pea didn't go out to kill someone to prove a point. It had been somewhere between an accident and a neglectful offense, hardly something that most would consider violent at all. In fact, the 'killing' was very minor.
Blood of My Blood, Flesh of My Flesh (Bughead)
Horror"Congrats, you're a werewolf. I would have gotten you a hallmark card, but they seemed to be fresh out of this kind." // The Serpents are werewolves, Betty is a witch, and Jason's death marked the start of the descent into a war that will shake Rive...