Curiosity | Chapter 1

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Frenzy was asleep next to Baby, when she felt something bounce on her "Mama! Mommy!" Flower squeaked, Riley blinked as she watched from the doorway.

She moved her red hair and purple, pink tips. Frenzy blinked as she woke up "Mama! Wake up!!!" Flower yelled again, Riley just simply rolled her eyes as she shook her head.

She picked up the small panda cub that fit into her arms easily. She put her down, making Flower run off. The small panda passed by many animatronics, her pink eyes looked around as she continued to look in pure amazement wherever she turne, she noticed an outstretched, dark, moist hallway, water dripping from pipes, the floor slippery.

The entrance to it had CAUTION! tape on it. She blinked, the tiny 6 year old curious. she touched the tape, tough as nails. She went under the tape and looked around.

"FLOWER! BREAKFAST!" Frenzy called loudly. She turned to go to the main room, but something stopped her


She turned, nothing was there. She turned again


She turned and saw a ball, one that fit in her hands, she picked it up, it looked new, shiny compared to the dirty hallway, she then looked at a hole that the ball must've rolled out of. She blinked as she looked into the hole, seeing a REALLY dark room.

A pair of glowing green, but mostly yellow eyes got her attention quickly "This yours?" She asked.

The figure's eyes looked weird. Bright, glowing, greenish yellow eyes, one which had none, maybe they had it closed?, the figure looked like it had bear ears, but their hair that was and outline in the darkness was down to her shoulders, maybe longer... She smiled as they nodded, she rolled it to the figure, they picked the ball up.

"You're wel-" She stopped as she noticed the figure was gone "coooooomeee????" She got up, then walking into a leg, she looked up to see Mari "Uh-" "I'm pretty sure their was caution tape..." She replied, crossing her arms "I'm in trouble... aren't I?" Mari rolled her eyes "Come eat, your mothers are worried about you..." She said.

Flower looked at the hole, then walked with Mari to the main room

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