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He casually got up and held out his hand. How can he just stop like that? Like nothing even happened. I took his hand and let him lead me to the front door. When we got outside I saw a black truck I assumed was his. He opened the passenger door and went in on the other side. My mind thought back to our little heated session...I emphasize the word 'little' because he seemed unfazed by the whole ordeal. He started the car and we began to drive down the road.

"How long have you been a wolf?" He asked interrupting my thoughts

"Well I'm half-human, so my whole life?" I answered

"What's your special thing?" He asked

"You mean Ability?" I asked helping out

"Yea, whatever?" He mumbled under his breath

"I can persuade people. How did you know I had a special ability?" I asked curiously

"We were told legends about half-bloods growing up." He explained

"Oh." Was all I could say. 

I didn't know what else to say. The rest of the ride was quiet, but comfortable. It wasn't long till we reached a house big enough to fit a pack. He stopped the car and we both got out. We started to walk towards the house.

"This is the pack house. This is where meetings are held and most pack members are quartered." He explained

"Do you live here?" I asked

"No. I live in a small house a few miles away from here." He explained

"That's cool." I replied

We reached a door as he led the way, and I saw a woman who was clearly older than me, yet she looked so young. She was sitting next to a young girl who looked more my age.

"Mom, Megan this is Krystal, my mate." he announced

The older woman who was his mother held a look of shock. It was quickly gone as she stood to her feet pulling me into a hug.

"Hello, I'm Kacie, welcome to the family." she said

The young girl who I assumed was Megan nearly ran to me.

"Hi, I'm Megan, Kyle's sister." she cheered

"I'm Krystal but you can call me Kris." I said

"Finally I'm not the only girl anymore. Its hard living with two brothers." she exclaimed

"You have a brother?" I asked turning to Kyle

"Yea, Cameron" he said smugly

Just as he said that two men came into the room. They looked just like Kyle.

"Ahh, I thought I heard my name." One exclaimed who I assumed was Cameron

He turned to me with a flirtatious grin on his face. 

"Hi, I'm Cam." he said flirting

Kyle growled and stepped in front of me protectively.

"She's mine." he growled

Wow! Can you say overprotective? Cam had his hands up in surrender. That's when the other man came in between them.

"Calm down Kyle, you know how your brother is." he said

"Hello, I'm Robert, Kyle's father." he stuck out his hand

I stepped from around Kyle to shake his hand

"Krystal, but you can call me Kris" I told him

"I see you are Kyle's mate. Welcome to the family." he said

"Thanks." I replied

That's when I heard other voices coming closer to the room we were in. Soon three men were at the door. One was handsome and well built but could not compare to Kyle. The second one was smaller and looked more boyish and almost like the first one. The third was also handsome and well built.

"This is Justin, my beta. Justin this is Krystal, my mate." he introduced us

"Hi. How could someone as ugly as Kyle get someone as pretty as you." he joked

Kyle punched him in the arm playfully.

"Whatever dude." he joked back

"This is Jared, Justin's younger brother." he pointed to the boyish looking one

Jared did a shy wave with a smile.

"And this is Daniel, another member of our pack." he pointed at the third one

"Hello" he said

The three boys left the room, leaving Kyle, myself and his family.

"So how did you two meet?" Megan asked

I didn't know where to start. At the club, when he killed my boyfriend. How do you explain this?

"We saw each other last night at the club not too far from here." Kyle answered for me

"Well I hope you didn't have a boyfriend because it looks as if he stole you." Cameron stated

That's when I realized I still had on my PJ's.

"As a matter of fact, I did have a boyfriend, apparently until this morning." I said

"Last night." Kyle corrected

"So he did steal you." Megan giggled

"Yea I guess he did." I glanced at Kyle

"Good job, son." his father shook his hand as he congratulated him

"Were you nice about it, Kyle?" his mother asked, the only one who seemed worried

"Of course I was nice about it." he beamed

"That means you killed him." his mother piped shaking her head smiling

Obviously it was normal to just go around killing people if you wanted their girlfriend around here. Everyone seemed to be enjoying the fact that Kyle killed David, including me. I mean if he was a caring boyfriend then I might have felt sad.


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