Chapter 02: Call them Brothers

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-How can you be such adoxagraphy(skilled writing on an unimportant subject)?!-

The teacher yelled at Lenna when she was checking Jess’s files.

She came late to school, slept during all the first period and on the top of that, she wasn’t paying attention. Putting all her concentration to Jessica.

- Étant telle bête, merde Lenna!(Being such stupid, shit Lenna!)- Bursted laughing Marcello on lunch time after Lenna told him what happened, everybody saw him laughing frenetically as Lenna blushed and quickly argument

-The negligence(fault, omission) is not mine!-

-Then who’s it?- asked Marcello with a cocky, rather sexy smile on his face.

-Je’ne sais pais!(I dunno!) putting and end to their descant(talk, chat). Marcello laughed slightly  and then went all serious, as if he was thinking in something really important. It’s the first time Lenna see him in this way, she knew something was wrong with him. He was lately being agathokakologically(composed in both good and evil) serious.

Even if he was like this, she still do like him. She could call him a brother, in some weird kind. But because of Marcello’s outlandish(odd, bizarre, weird) disposition(attitude, temper), she started to question Marcello, she never totally knew him, not even his parent or it’s weird predilection(mania, desire) for girls … even if it is normal in Italians. But is not normal to feel gymnophoria(the sensation someone is mentally undressing you) in the same guy for at least two years. Even if he wasn’t.

Is not that he is lustful as he sounds but the fact he have thought about having sex with his best friend is disgusting. Maybe that’s why Regina broke up with him.

I know he is not like this at all, and everything he wants is love, the love his parents never gave him, making him want to go as far and soon as possible from his home.

-Do you know what’s up with Marcello?- I asked to Regina Journées, Marcello’s ex-girlfriend and the typical blonde, blue eyed ,pretty French girl in American movies. I mean, it’s normal to see girls like her on France so, we don’t see them as pretty as you do.

-He seems tres bien(very good), why do you ask?- Regina answered and questioned again.

Regina is one of Lenna’s best friends, not as much as Jessica. But the time she know her, she think about her as a really good friend, she’s not around her much because she is the daughter of  a politic, so she doesn’t have time for anything. Also, Marcello still tries to apologize for cheating her with some other Italian girl who I don’t know, and she founds his blasphemy(irreverent behavior toward anything held sacred, priceless) repugnant. Lenna could call Regina a sister

-It’s somehow strange, even so, we will visit Jess today.-

-Seems fine.- she took a sip of coffee and then started asking.- Hey… do you know Helenna?-

-Eh?- she gave the answer with her face, even so she said.- no, why do you ask?-

Regina smiled and as she closed her eyes she explained. –See, Helenna is an Italian serial killer who will visit Marcello the next week.-

-EEHHH??!- she almost jumped off her chair.

-He cheated me with her- she rested her head in her arms, which were crossed collocated on the table.

“How could Marcello cheat a daughter of a politician with a serial killer” she thought.

“Seems he have a big death wish” she joked about what Marcello did, in her thoughts.

-Well… I need to go! I promised Marcello I will visit Jessica with him.” She was supposed to give an end to their conversation but then- Anyway, can you explain me why is she going to come? Rapidly, please.- She opened her eyes, showing it’s pureness in her words.

- I don’t know.- she took another sip of coffee fancily. –All I can say is that her name is Helenna Di Massimo, oh, and don’t forget to make my duet song for my music class.-

-Okay!- She said goodbye and smiled to Regina, so Regina did.

Lenna thought in all the way to Marcello’s current whereabouts about this girl.

-Helenna Di Massimo, huh?- she spoke as she was on her crimson bicycle with the twilight behind her making her bicycle look darker because of all the beautiful scales of orange and red.

She went to their high school and glanced in every classroom, she went to his place and neither found him. But she found something more surprising, a secret room behind a bookshelf on the main room.

After going through three floors and passing a dirty living room; full of games and papers, as usual. She discovers a room that tells why does Marcello have been lately acting weird.

“Marcello have kept secrets.” Lenna thought.

She approached to it and slightly pushed the shelf to the right side. She glanced a bit behind the shelf to see the secret room. There was a bunch of cards. Without making any noise she pushed a bit more and then, she heard something.

She opened her eyes widely, having a panic attack on her chest. After being alarmed in such way she checked out what it was.

Her cellphone, Marcello have been waiting for her on the hospital and he called her.

-Hey!! I’ve been waiting like twenty minutes for you to come! What’s up with you?-

She wanted to ask him about the secret room but then she thought more about it.

-Are you there? Do you hear me?- Marcello demanded.

-Yeah, yeah. I just wanted to do some homework before going with jess but I lost track of the time, sorry.-


“That’s my line” She judge.

-Anyways, I’m going to be there in five minutes so don’t worry.-

-It’s okay.- He hanged out.

She took a sigh as she closed her eyes in relief and then opened them in a challenging way.

Je prefere(I prefer) to not say a thing.”

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 07, 2014 ⏰

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