[ CHAPTER ONE] - End of Reach, Beginning of Remnant.

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Halo Reach and RWBY doesn't belong to me. Only Noble Six's armor and (most likely) customized Personality.


Spartan-B312, Also known as Noble Six. Was standing on an elevated platform while looking out into the Light red yet dusty look filled the sky as he was remembering what was happening before all this. He came onto Reach, Joined Noble Team and it went spiraling down. Each member of Noble has died excluding Jun as he has left with Doctor Halsey. As of now, Infinity was gone with her passengers, leaving behind Six and possibly some others if they're alive... His thought was broken as he heard multiple phantoms closing in on his position. Coming back to reality, he cocked his Designated Marksman Rifle, also known as a DMR, With the bullet in the chamber, ready to spill some covenant blood. All he knew was that he will not be going down without a fight.

Holstering the DMR, he turned and grabbed the Turret on the stand. Cold steel meeting his gloves as he pulled it off of the stand it was on and holding it, left arm in the front to support the weight while the Right holding the handle and trigger to fire. As he did so, he heard an Elite shouting some commands in a different language. Knowing that it was the leader, he knew what to do. Leaping off the Platform, he landed as his shielding and armor took the fall as he knew it will feel like nothing soon. Quickly recovering, he saw a stunned grunt before unleashing Bullets directly into the body of the grunt. The grunt was not recognizable as its face, left arm and armor as Destroyed.

Letting go of the said trigger, his Motion Tracker picked up on more enemies nearby. Quickly, Noble began to walk with the Turret in hand as he encountered a group of the covenant, consisting of Elites, Jackals and Grunts. Not even half a second later, he pulled the trigger as bullets and plasma began firing. This was the last stand of Noble Six.


Noble Six was not having a good time. His helmet had two cracks which are soon to be holes if he took more damage, His ammo was turning dry as well as his armor being rather messed up after fighting for so long. Quickly, he got out of cover as his shields were fully charged. Pulling the trigger, Bullets began to fly from the MA37's Tip. The bullets easily popped the Minors shielding as The Blue elite was gunned down. The rest turned and returned fire. Which made contact with his shields and began to drain it rather quicker than he liked but he had to deal with it.

Rushing toward the nearest elite, he jumped up and hit it with the rear of his gun, stunning it momentarily. Following up with a barrel of the gun to the mouth, he pulled the trigger before the elite died after eating lead. Quickly turning, he was met with plasma. Which Popped his shields and Breached the helmet. Noble had no choice but to remove the helmet as it was useless as of now. Throwing it to the ground, he crouched and grabbed the MA37 and picked it up before continuing to battle the covenant.

Gunning down a charging elite, Noble felt a presence behind him. Knowing that it was only he there, he leaped backward, turning his body as his elbow slammed into the face of an Elite, easily popping the shields. Grabbing the magnum from his thigh, he pulled it out and fired multiple shots into the head of the elite. Killing it before attempting to react to an elite that was charging... He was not able to react that quickly as he was tackled to the floor. Kicking the elite off, he tried to get up but was held down by an elite, who of which, was punched by the Spartan and destroying the shields.

Another elite came forward with an energy sword, leaping forth with intent to stab this elite. However, Noble had raised his leg and stopping the elite with his leg before kicking the now stunned elite off. Another came from his right but failed to stab Noble as he narrowly dodged the Plasma Filled Type-2 Energy Sword before striking the elite once again. Destroying the shields yet another came atop of him, only to be hit away. He was running on fumes as of now. The elite earlier raised its arm before swinging it down with a smaller version of the energy sword in its wrist.

{"So.. This is how I die?"} Noble asked himself as he knew he would die either way. But as it approached... It seemed to.. Stop? Noble was rather confused before a voice within his head began to speak. {"Forgive me SPARTAN, for that you are not destined to die here Just yet. Another world is in need of your help."} The Etheral voice said before he blacked out. But just before he did, he saw his armor and undersuit being repaired rather quickly.



Sorry for not really being active. School, IRL things and other stuff were keeping me behind.

Anyways, Thanks for reading and Carry on my Fellow readers, to the Next Page of Noble Six's Bizarre Ad- Oh wait.. Er, wrong one. *AHEM* To the Next Page of Noble Six's Life on Remnant!

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