Chapter 4

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We arrive at the shopping centre and head towards the donut shop.

When we get there I ask, "what kind of donuts would you both like?"

"A chocolate one!" Emma said excitedly.

"Anything is ok," Elisabeth said.

"Are you sure?"I ask Elisabeth and she just nods. "Okay," I say. "Three chocolate donuts please," I say to the person working there.

"Okay," she replies. She gets our donuts and gives them to us. "And that will just be 5 dollars," she says.

I hand her the money, we grab our donuts and sit down. Emma started eating her donut as soon as we sat down. I gave Elisabeth hers and she ate it straightaway.

When we had all finished our donuts we went and got Elisabeth some clothes then we went back home.

"Mum, we're back again," I say opening the door.

"Did you bring Emma home?" She asked.

"Yes," I say. I take Elisabeth upstairs to the guest room and put her clothes In the closet. "Here you go, this will be the room you can stay in," I tell her. "My room is just down the hall, so if you need me I will be there, do you need anything?" I ask.

"No, but can I please talk to you for a little while?" She said.

"Yes, of course," I replied sitting down on the bed. "So, you told me that people were scared of you, who were scared and why were they scared?" I asked.

"They were scared of what we could do, what we're capable of," she said.

"What? What are you capable of?" I asked.

"Have you ever heard of a Llurdae?" She said. I shook my head. "We are superhuman beings, we have powers. It's usually one power per Llurdae but My family has multiple. Which is why they were scared of us," Elisabeth said.

I could feel my heart pounding, I felt light headed, but I tried to hide it. "Wh- what can you do?" I asked.

"I have super strength, invisibility, and healing so far," she says.

"What do you mean by 'so far'?" I ask.

"I could possibly get more, I was born with only one power but I got two more as I got older," she explained.

"Oh, ok," I say still trying to process all of this. "So, you have superhuman abilities and could possibly get more?" I say. She nods. "Wow, Okay," I say.

"I'm sorry, I know this is probably a lot," she says. I nod. "Would you like to see?"

"Yes, please," I say.

"Ok, what would you like to see?" She asks.

"Um, how about your invisibility?" I ask.

"Sure," She says with a smile. "I don't know how well it will work though, because it is a new power to me," She says.

Elisabeth's POV
I stand up off the bed, and go into the middle of the room. I close my eyes and slow down my breathing. I concentrated on turning invisible. I could feel my feet go all tingly, then the feeling started moving up my legs. I open my eyes and look down, it worked, my legs were gone and slowly my whole body was going invisible. I look back up and see Cameron's blue eyes wide and his mouth open a little. I laugh at how surprised he looks.

"Wow, you weren't joking," he said once I went back to normal.

"Nope," I said.

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